

(mĭd′vĭk-tôr′ē-ən)adj. Relating to, occurring in, or characteristic of the middle period of the reign of Queen Victoria in Great Britain (1837-1901), a period known for rigid social standards.n.1. One living in this period: "The mid-Victorians had moral zeal but no religion" (Keith Thomas).2. One having rigid social standards.


adj (Historical Terms) history Brit of or relating to the middle period of the reign of Queen Victoria (1837–1901) n (Historical Terms) a person of the mid-Victorian era


(ˈmɪd vɪkˈtɔr i ən, -ˈtoʊr-)

adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the middle period, about 1850 to 1890, of the reign of Queen Victoria in England. n. 2. a person belonging to this period. 3. a person of mid-Victorian tastes or ideas. [1900–05]