left ventricular assist device


 [de-vīs´] something contrived for a specific purpose; usually a simple mechanical apparatus.assisting d's (assistive d's) tools and implements that aid a person with a disability in carrying out mobility or activities of daily living.intrauterine device see intrauterine device.left ventricular assist device a circulatory support device consisting of a pump connected to an external pneumatic power source and control circuit; it has afferent and efferent conduits attached respectively to the left atrium or ventricle and the ascending aorta. Each conduit contains a porcine valve to ensure unidirectional blood flow and maintain systemic circulation when the heart is unable to do so. The device is used as a bridge to transplantation.mobility device a device such as a wheelchair, motorized scooter, cart, or stroller that permits the disabled individual to move about and have greater access to the environment.terminal device the end piece of a prosthesis for the upper limb; it may be a hook or a mechanical or cosmetic hand.

left ventricular assist device

Cardiology A mechanical device to ↑ force and volume of blood flowing through the heart. Cf CABG, Jarvik-7.

left ventricular assist device

Abbreviation: LVAD
A pump surgically implanted in patients with severe heart failure to move blood from the left ventricle to the ascending aorta. The LVAD usually augments the heart's function until it heals (following a severe myocardial infarction) or until a heart transplant becomes available, e.g., for patients with heart failure with a markedly diminished ejection fraction. The LVAD also may be used permanently for a patient who does not meet criteria for transplantation. See also: device