

单词 officer



O0039200 (ô′fĭ-sər, ŏf′ĭ-)n.1. One who holds an office of authority or trust in an organization, such as a corporation or government.2. a. One who holds a commission in the armed forces.b. A noncommisioned officer or warrant officer.3. A person licensed in the merchant marine as master, mate, chief engineer, or assistant engineer.4. A police officer.tr.v. of·fi·cered, of·fi·cer·ing, of·fi·cers 1. To furnish with officers.2. To command or manage as an officer.
[Middle English, from Old French officier, from Medieval Latin officārius, from Latin officium, service, duty; see office.]


(ˈɒfɪsə) n1. (Military) a person in the armed services who holds a position of responsibility, authority, and duty, esp one who holds a commission2. (Law) See police officer3. (Nautical Terms) (on a non-naval ship) any person including the captain and mate, who holds a position of authority and responsibility: radio officer; engineer officer. 4. a person appointed or elected to a position of responsibility or authority in a government, society, etc5. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a government official: a customs officer. 6. (in the Order of the British Empire) a member of the grade below commandervb (tr) 7. to furnish with officers8. to act as an officer over (some section, group, organization, etc)


(ˈɔ fə sər, ˈɒf ə-)
n. 1. a person who holds a position of rank or authority in the armed services, esp. one holding a commission. 2. a member of a police department or a constable. 3. a person appointed or elected to some position of responsibility or authority in some organization. 4. a person licensed to take full or partial responsibility for the operation of a ship. 5. (in some honorary orders) a member of any rank except the lowest. 6. Obs. an agent. v.t. 7. to furnish with officers. 8. to manage.


– official">official – office worker">office worker1. 'officer'

An officer is a person who has a position of authority in the armed forces.

...a retired army officer.

Officer is also used in the name of some people's jobs.

He was arrested and charged with assaulting a police officer.Suddenly the press officer came out and announced the result.
2. 'official'

An official is a person who holds a position of authority in an organization, especially a government department or a trade union.

Government officials have rejected calls for international intervention.Management and union officials agreed to go to the Labour Relations Commission today.
3. 'office worker'

You do not use 'officer' or 'official' to refer to someone who works in an office. A person like this is called an office worker.

Office workers have been found to make more mistakes when distracted by traffic noise.


Past participle: officered
Gerund: officering
I officer
you officer
he/she/it officers
we officer
you officer
they officer
I officered
you officered
he/she/it officered
we officered
you officered
they officered
Present Continuous
I am officering
you are officering
he/she/it is officering
we are officering
you are officering
they are officering
Present Perfect
I have officered
you have officered
he/she/it has officered
we have officered
you have officered
they have officered
Past Continuous
I was officering
you were officering
he/she/it was officering
we were officering
you were officering
they were officering
Past Perfect
I had officered
you had officered
he/she/it had officered
we had officered
you had officered
they had officered
I will officer
you will officer
he/she/it will officer
we will officer
you will officer
they will officer
Future Perfect
I will have officered
you will have officered
he/she/it will have officered
we will have officered
you will have officered
they will have officered
Future Continuous
I will be officering
you will be officering
he/she/it will be officering
we will be officering
you will be officering
they will be officering
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been officering
you have been officering
he/she/it has been officering
we have been officering
you have been officering
they have been officering
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been officering
you will have been officering
he/she/it will have been officering
we will have been officering
you will have been officering
they will have been officering
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been officering
you had been officering
he/she/it had been officering
we had been officering
you had been officering
they had been officering
I would officer
you would officer
he/she/it would officer
we would officer
you would officer
they would officer
Past Conditional
I would have officered
you would have officered
he/she/it would have officered
we would have officered
you would have officered
they would have officered
Noun1.officer - any person in the armed services who holds a position of authority or commandofficer - any person in the armed services who holds a position of authority or command; "an officer is responsible for the lives of his men"military officerarmed forces, armed services, military, military machine, war machine - the military forces of a nation; "their military is the largest in the region"; "the military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker"adjutant, aide, aide-de-camp - an officer who acts as military assistant to a more senior officerarmy officer - an officer in the armed forces; "he's a retired army officer"brass hat - a high-ranking military officerchief of staff - the senior officer of a service of the armed forcescommandant, commander, commanding officer - an officer in command of a military unitcommissioned officer - a military officer holding a commissiondesk officer - a military officer who is not assigned to active dutyexecutive officer - the officer second in commandinspector general - a military officer responsible for investigationsmilitary adviser, military advisor - a military officer who serves as an adviser to the troops of an allied nationnaval officer - an officer in the navyenlisted officer, noncom, noncommissioned officer - a military officer appointed from enlisted personnelmilitary man, serviceman, man, military personnel - someone who serves in the armed forces; a member of a military force; "two men stood sentry duty"warrant officer - holds rank by virtue of a warrantGrigori Aleksandrovich Potemkin, Grigori Potemkin, Grigori Potyokin, Potemkin, Potyokin - a Russian officer and politician who was a favorite of Catherine II and in 1762 helped her to seize power; when she visited the Crimea in 1787 he gave the order for sham villages to be built (1739-1791)
2.officer - someone who is appointed or elected to an office and who holds a position of trust; "he is an officer of the court"; "the club elected its officers for the coming year"officeholderholder - a person who holds something; "they held two hostages"; "he holds the trophy"; "she holds a United States passport"functionary, official - a worker who holds or is invested with an officeprobation officer - the officer of the court who supervises probationerssergeant at arms, serjeant-at-arms - an officer (as of a legislature or court) who maintains order and executes commands
3.officer - a member of a police forceofficer - a member of a police force; "it was an accident, officer"police officer, policemanconstabulary, police, police force, law - the force of policemen and officers; "the law came looking for him"bobby - an informal term for a British policemancop, fuzz, copper, pig, bull - uncomplimentary terms for a policemanpolice captain, police chief, captain - a policeman in charge of a precinctpolice constable, constable - a police officer of the lowest rankdetective, police detective, tec, investigator - a police officer who investigates crimesgendarme - a French policemaninspector - a high ranking police officerlaw officer, lawman, peace officer - an officer of the lawmotorcycle cop, motorcycle policeman, speed cop - a policeman who rides a motorcycle (and who checks the speeds of motorists)police matron, policewoman - a woman policemanMountie - colloquial term for a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Policeshoofly - an undercover police officer who investigates other policementraffic cop - a policeman who controls the flow of automobile traffictrooper - a mounted policemanstate trooper, trooper - a state police officer
4.officer - a person authorized to serve in a position of authority on a vesselofficer - a person authorized to serve in a position of authority on a vessel; "he is the officer in charge of the ship's engines"ship's officerJack-tar, mariner, old salt, sea dog, seafarer, seaman, gob, Jack, tar - a man who serves as a sailorsea captain, skipper, captain, master - an officer who is licensed to command a merchant shipfirst mate, mate - the officer below the master on a commercial shipprivateer, privateersman - an officer or crew member of a privateerpurser - an officer aboard a ship who keeps accounts and attends to the passengers' welfarenavigator, sailing master - the ship's officer in charge of navigationsteward - the ship's officer who is in charge of provisions and dining arrangementssupercargo - an officer on a merchant ship in charge of the cargo and its sale and purchase
Verb1.officer - direct or command as an officercommand - be in command of; "The general commanded a huge army"


noun1. official, executive, agent, representative, bureaucrat, public servant, appointee, dignitary, functionary, office-holder, office bearer a local education authority officer2. police officer, detective, PC, police constable, police man, police woman an officer in the West Midlands police force


noun1. A person having administrative or managerial authority in an organization:administrant, administrator, director, executive, manager, official.Informal: exec.2. A member of a law-enforcement agency:bluecoat, finest, patrolman, patrolwoman, peace officer, police, policeman, police officer, policewoman.Informal: cop, law.Slang: bull, copper, flatfoot, fuzz, gendarme, heat, man (often uppercase).Chiefly British: bobby, constable, peeler.


(ˈofis) noun1. the room or building in which the business of a firm is done. The firm's head offices are in New York; (also adjective) office furniture. 辦事處 办事处2. the room in which a particular person works. the bank manager's office. 辦公室 办公室3. a room or building used for a particular purpose. Train tickets are bought at the ticket-office. 售票處 售票处4. a position of authority, especially in or as a government. Our party has not been in office for years; the office of mayor. 職務 职务ˈofficer noun1. a person holding a commission in the army, navy or air force. a naval officer. 軍官,警官,船長 军官,警官,船长 2. a person who carries out a public duty. a police-officer. 公務人員,警官 公务员,警官




Officer Friendly

A police officer who is perceived as non-threatening due to his calm and amiable demeanor. Dale, I know you think aggression is the best way to get information, but you'd be surprised how easy it is to get people to talk to you when you're Officer Friendly. Stop yelling at me! I want Officer Friendly to do my interrogation!See also: friendly, officer

dead marine

slang An empty bottle from an alcoholic beverage. (Potentially considered objectionable.) The yard was littered with dead marines the morning after the wild party. He looked up just in time to see a dead marine being swung at his face.See also: dead, marine

repo officer

slang A person whose job entails repossessing property from people who have fallen into debt. I worked for a time as a repo officer for a department store. You wouldn't believe the amount of crap people would buy on credit when they had no realistic way of paying it back. I was forced to live out of my car for a few months, until the repo officer eventually came and repossessed that, too.See also: officer, repo

dead marine

verbSee dead soldierSee also: dead, marine

marine (recruit)

and marine officer n. an empty beer or liquor bottle. (see also dead soldier, dead marine. These expressions are probably meant as derogatory to either marines or officer.) Every now and then the gentle muttering of the customers was accented by the breaking of a marine as it hit the floor. There’s a marine officer laying in the fireplace. See also: marine, recruit

marine officer

verbSee marine recruitSee also: marine, officer



1. a person in the armed services who holds a position of responsibility, authority, and duty, esp one who holds a commission 2. See police officer3. (on a non-naval ship) any person including the captain and mate, who holds a position of authority and responsibility 4. a government official



a member of the command staff in the armed forces, as well as in the militia and the police. Officers have military ranks conferred on them.

Originally, persons holding certain government posts were called officers. With the rise of standing mercenary armies and navies in the 16th century, first in France and then in other European countries, troop commanders came to be called officers. In the Russian Army, officer ranks were first introduced in the regiments formed and trained according to the Western model (“the new order”). In the feudal states the officers were recruited from among noblemen and formed a separate closed caste. With the development of capitalism, descendants of the bourgeoisie and of the middle classes were increasingly promoted to the officer ranks, and the corps of officers was democratized to some extent.

In the early 18th century in Russia, officers were divided into field-grade officers (from major to colonel) and company-grade officers (captain and lower). According to the Table of Ranks of 1722, an officer’s rank gave him the right to personal nobility, and the rank of captain and above, the right to hereditary nobility. From the mid-19th century, a captain’s rank gave him the right to personal nobility, and a colonel’s rank the right to hereditary nobility. Officer ranks were abolished during the Great October Socialist Revolution. At the time of the introduction of shoulder straps in the Red Army and Navy in 1943, commanders came to be called officers and were divided into junior and senior officers.


Related to Officer: warrant officer, Safety Officer


An individual with the responsibility of performing the duties and functions of an office, that is a duty or charge, a position of trust, or a right to exercise a public or private employment.

A public officer is ordinarily defined as an individual who has been elected or appointed to exercise the functions of an office for the benefit of the public. Executive officers, such as the president or state governors, are public officers charged with the duty to ascertain that the law is enforced and obeyed. A legislative officer, such as a member of Congress, has the duty of making the laws. A public officer whose duties include administering justice, adjudicating controversies, and interpreting the laws is called a judicial officer. A de jure officer is one who is legally appointed and qualified to exercise the office. A de facto officer is an individual who appears to be legally qualified and appointed to an office but is not due to some legal technicality, such as failure to file a financial disclosure statement within the time prescribed by statute.

A public office must be created either by statute or by constitutional provision. Public officers are distinguishable from employees in that they are required to take an oath of office and are appointed or elected to specified terms of office. The eligibility, duties, and compensation of public officers are defined by statute.

Removal from office occurs when an officer is dismissed from his or her position by a superior officer acting according to law. Sufficient cause must exist to justify the removal. When an individual is wrongfully removed from office, he or she may seek reinstatement.

A military officer is one who has been commissioned as such in the Armed Services.An officer of a corporation is someone, such as the president, vice-president, treasurer, or secretary, whose main duties are to oversee the efficient operation of the business.


Officers of the Court.


n. 1) a high-level management official of a corporation, or an unincorporated business, hired by the board of directors of a corporation or the owner of a business, such as a president, vice president, secretary, financial officer, or chief executive officer (CEO). Such officers have the actual or apparent authority to contract or otherwise act on behalf of the corporation or business. 2) a public official with executive authority ranging from City Manager to Governor. 3) a law enforcement person such as a policeman or woman, deputy sheriff, or Federal marshal.

OFFICER. He who is lawfully invested with an office.
2. Officers may be classed into, 1. Executive; as the president of the United States of America, the several governors of the different states. Their duties are pointed out in the national constitution, and the constitutions of the several states, but they are required mainly to cause the laws to be executed and obeyed.
3.-2. The legislative; such as members of congress; and of the several state legislatures. These officers are confined in their duties by the constitution, generally to make laws, though sometimes in cases of impeachment, one of the houses of the legislature exercises judicial functions, somewhat similar to those of a grand jury by presenting to the other articles of impeachment; and the other house acts as a court in trying such impeachments. The legislatures have, besides the power to inquire into the conduct of their members, judge of their elections, and the like.
4.-3. Judicial officers; whose duties are to decide controversies between individuals, and accusations made in the name of the public against persons charged with a violation of the law.
5.-4. Ministerial officers, or those whose duty it is to execute the mandates, lawfully issued, of their superiors.
6.-5. Military officers, who have commands in the army; and
7.-6. Naval officers, who are in command in the navy.
8. Officers are required to exercise the functions which belong to their respective offices. The neglect to do so, may, in some cases, subject the offender to an indictment; 1 Yeates, R. 519; and in others, he will be liable to the party injured. 1 Yeates, R. 506.
9. Officers are also divided into public officers and those who are not public. Some officers may bear both characters; for example, a clergyman is a public officer when he acts in the performance of such a public duty as the marriage of two individuals; 4 Conn. 209; and he is merely a private person when he acts in his more ordinary calling of teaching his congregation. See 4 Conn. 134; 1 Apple. 155.

FinancialSeeofficeSee OFF


Related to officer: warrant officer, Safety Officer
  • all
  • noun
  • verb

Synonyms for officer

noun official


  • official
  • executive
  • agent
  • representative
  • bureaucrat
  • public servant
  • appointee
  • dignitary
  • functionary
  • office-holder
  • office bearer

noun police officer


  • police officer
  • detective
  • PC
  • police constable
  • police man
  • police woman

Synonyms for officer

noun a person having administrative or managerial authority in an organization


  • administrant
  • administrator
  • director
  • executive
  • manager
  • official
  • exec

noun a member of a law-enforcement agency


  • bluecoat
  • finest
  • patrolman
  • patrolwoman
  • peace officer
  • police
  • policeman
  • police officer
  • policewoman
  • cop
  • law
  • bull
  • copper
  • flatfoot
  • fuzz
  • gendarme
  • heat
  • man
  • bobby
  • constable
  • peeler

Synonyms for officer

noun any person in the armed services who holds a position of authority or command


  • military officer

Related Words

  • armed forces
  • armed services
  • military
  • military machine
  • war machine
  • adjutant
  • aide
  • aide-de-camp
  • army officer
  • brass hat
  • chief of staff
  • commandant
  • commander
  • commanding officer
  • commissioned officer
  • desk officer
  • executive officer
  • inspector general
  • military adviser
  • military advisor
  • naval officer
  • enlisted officer
  • noncom
  • noncommissioned officer
  • military man
  • serviceman
  • man
  • military personnel
  • warrant officer
  • Grigori Aleksandrovich Potemkin
  • Grigori Potemkin
  • Grigori Potyokin
  • Potemkin
  • Potyokin

noun someone who is appointed or elected to an office and who holds a position of trust


  • officeholder

Related Words

  • holder
  • functionary
  • official
  • probation officer
  • sergeant at arms
  • serjeant-at-arms

noun a member of a police force


  • police officer
  • policeman

Related Words

  • constabulary
  • police
  • police force
  • law
  • bobby
  • cop
  • fuzz
  • copper
  • pig
  • bull
  • police captain
  • police chief
  • captain
  • police constable
  • constable
  • detective
  • police detective
  • tec
  • investigator
  • gendarme
  • inspector
  • law officer
  • lawman
  • peace officer
  • motorcycle cop
  • motorcycle policeman
  • speed cop
  • police matron
  • policewoman
  • Mountie
  • shoofly
  • traffic cop
  • trooper
  • state trooper

noun a person authorized to serve in a position of authority on a vessel


  • ship's officer

Related Words

  • Jack-tar
  • mariner
  • old salt
  • sea dog
  • seafarer
  • seaman
  • gob
  • Jack
  • tar
  • sea captain
  • skipper
  • captain
  • master
  • first mate
  • mate
  • privateer
  • privateersman
  • purser
  • navigator
  • sailing master
  • steward
  • supercargo

verb direct or command as an officer

Related Words

  • command




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