

单词 media



M0188200 (mē′dē-ə) An ancient country of southwest Asia in present-day northwest Iran. Settled by an Indo-European people, it became part of the Assyrian Empire and was conquered c. 550 bc by Cyrus the Great, who added it to the Persian Empire.
Me′di·an adj. & n.

me·di·a 1

M0188200 (mē′dē-ə)n. A plural of medium. See Usage Note at medium.

me·di·a 2

M0188200 (mē′dē-ə)n.1. Linguistics See medial.2. The middle, often muscular layer of the wall of a blood vessel.
[Late Latin, from Latin, feminine of Latin medius, middle; see medium.]


(ˈmiːdɪə) n1. a plural of medium2. (Communications & Information) the means of communication that reach large numbers of people, such as television, newspapers, and radioadj (Communications & Information) of or relating to the mass media: media hype. Usage: When media refers to the mass media, it is sometimes treated as a singular form, as in: the media has shown great interest in these events. Many people think this use is incorrect and that media should always be treated as a plural form: the media have shown great interest in these events


(ˈmɛdɪə) n, pl -diae (-dɪˌiː) 1. (Anatomy) the middle layer of the wall of a blood or lymph vessel2. (Zoology) one of the main veins in the wing of an insect3. (Phonetics & Phonology) phonetics a. a consonant whose articulation lies midway between that of a voiced and breathed speech soundb. a consonant pronounced with weak voice, as c in French second[C19: from Latin medius middle]


(ˈmiːdɪə) n1. (Historical Terms) an ancient country of SW Asia, south of the Caspian Sea: inhabited by the Medes; overthrew the Assyrian Empire in 612 bc in alliance with Babylonia; conquered by Cyrus the Great in 550 bc; corresponds to present-day NW Iran2. (Placename) an ancient country of SW Asia, south of the Caspian Sea: inhabited by the Medes; overthrew the Assyrian Empire in 612 bc in alliance with Babylonia; conquered by Cyrus the Great in 550 bc; corresponds to present-day NW Iran


(ˈmi di ə)

n. 1. a pl. of medium. 2. (usu. with a pl. v.) the means of communication, as radio, television, newspapers, and magazines, with wide reach and influence. adj. 3. pertaining to or concerned with the media: media research. usage: media, like data, is the plural form of a word borrowed directly from Latin. The singular, medium, early developed the meaning “an intervening agency, means, etc.,” and was first applied to newspapers two centuries ago. In the 1920s media began to appear as a singular collective noun: The media is reporting on the debates. This singular, though often criticized, is now common.


(ˈmi di ə)

n., pl. -di•ae (-diˌi) 1. the middle layer of an artery or lymphatic vessel. 2. a voiced stop, esp. in ancient Greek. 3. Entomol. a longitudinal vein in the middle portion of the wing of an insect. [1835–45; < Latin, n. use of feminine singular of Latin medius central, mid1]


(ˈmi di ə)

n. an ancient country in W Asia, S of the Caspian Sea, corresponding generally to NW Iran. Cap.: Ecbatana.


See also language style; radio.
feuilletonism1. the practice among European newspapers of allowing space, usually at the bottom of a page or pages, for fiction, criticism, columnists, etc.
2. the practice of writing critical or familiar essays for the feuilleton pages. — feuilletonist, n.
journaleselanguage typical of journalists and newspapers or magazines, characterized by use of neologism and unusual syntax. Also called newspaperese.journalism1. the occupation of reporting, writing, editing, photographing, or broadcasting news.
2. the occupation of running a news organization as a business.
3. the press, printed publications, and their employees.
4. an academie program preparing students in reporting, writing, and editing for periodicals and newspapers. — journalist, n. — journalistic, adj.
kinescope1. a type of cathode-ray tube used in the reception of television images.
2. a recording of a television program on motion-picture film.
kinetophonean apparatus for projecting sound and pictures by a combination of a phonograph and a kinetoscope.kinetoscopean early apparatus for producing a moving picture. See also instruments. Cf. kinetophone.newspaperesejournalese.periodicalista person who publishes or writes for a periodical.photojournalisma form of journalism in which photographs play a more important part than written copy. — photojournalist, n.propagandism1. the action, practice, or art of propagating doctrines, as in the Society for the Propagation of Christian Knowledge.
2. the deliberate spreading of information or ideas to promote or injure a cause, nation, etc. — propagandist, n. — propagandistic, adj.
reportage1. the act or process of reporting news.
2. an account of a current or historical event, not appearing in conventional news media, written in a journalistic style.
sensationalismthe act of shocking or intent to shock, especially through the media; the practice of using startling but superficial efïects, in art, literature, etc., to gain attention. See also literary style; philosophy. — sensationalist, n.


Media is a noun, and it is also a plural form of another noun, medium.

1. 'the media'

You can refer to television, radio, and newspapers as the media.

She refused to talk to the media.

It is usually regarded as correct to use a plural form of a verb with the media, but people often use a singular form.

The media are very powerful in influencing opinions.The media was full of stories about the singer and her husband.

You can use a singular or plural form in conversation and in less formal writing, but you should use a plural form in formal writing.

2. 'medium'

A medium is a way of expressing your ideas or communicating with people. The plural of medium is either mediums or media.

She is an artist who uses various mediums including photography and sculpture.They advertise through a range of different media – radio, billboards, and the internet.




media darling

A very famous and popular person who receives exceptionally positive media coverage or attention. Ever since the election season began, the presidential hopeful has become quite the liberal media darling. The rising star has captured the world with her talent and beauty, becoming one of the biggest media darlings of recent times.See also: darling, media

trial by the media

A situation in which a person's guilt is decided by the population at large due to negative coverage by the media. Also phrased as "trial by television." While the stories about the former CEO are all horrifying, right now they are just that: stories. We cannot allow trial by the media to become the new means by which to condemn our citizens, who still enjoy the right to be considered innocent until proven guilty.See also: by, media, trial

mainstream media

Well-established media outlets, such as newspapers and TV stations, that reach a mass audience, considered collectively. The term is especially used to contrast it with other forms of media that one considers more truthful and/or less biased. Often abbreviated as "MSM." It seems that people are becoming increasingly distrustful of the mainstream media.See also: mainstream, media



(mē`dēə), ancient country of W Asia whose actual boundaries cannot be defined, occupying generally what is now W Iran and S Azerbaijan. It extended from the Caspian Sea to the Zagros Mts. The Medes were an Indo-European people who spoke an Iranian language closely akin to old Persian. Some scholars claim they were an Aryanized people from Turan. Since there are no Median records, Assyrian and Greek sources must be relied upon for Median history. The Medes extended their rule over PersiaPersia
, old alternate name for the Asian country Iran. The article Iran contains a description of the geography and economy of the modern country and a short account of its history since the Arab invasion of the 7th cent.
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 during the reign of Sargon (d. 705 B.C.) and under Cyaxares captured Nineveh in 612 B.C.; they were the first people subject to Assyria to secure their freedom. The dynasty continued until the rule of AstyagesAstyages
, fl. 6th cent. B.C., king of the Medes (584–c.550 B.C.), son and successor of Cyaxares. His rule was harsh, and he was unpopular. His daughter is alleged to have married the elder Cambyses and was said to be the mother of Cyrus the Great, who rebelled against
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, when it was overthrown (c.550 B.C.) by Cyrus the Great and united with the Persian Empire. In the 2d cent. B.C. Media became part of the Parthian kingdom and was later ruled by the Romans.





a historical region, later a kingdom in the northwestern part of the Iran Plateau.

The Medes are first mentioned in Assyrian annals of the second half of the ninth century B.C. As early as the ninth and eighth centuries B.C., an Iranian-speaking element appeared in Media, later becoming predominant. The ninth and eighth centuries B.C. in Media evidently constituted a period of transition from a military democracy to an early slaveholding society. During that time, the Medes waged a struggle against Assyria, which had seized part of their lands.

Judging from Assyrian sources, the kingdom of Media arose in the 670’s B.C., and Ecbatana became its capital. Under King Cyaxares (ruled from 625 or 624 to 584 B.C.), Media became a great power in the ancient East. In a short time the Medes seized Manna and, in alliance with Babylonia, crushed the Assyrian state and conquered Urartu and other territories.

In 550 or 549 B.C., Media was conquered by the Persians and made a satrapy of the Achaemenid empire. An independent Median state was restored only in the last quarter of the fourth century B.C., but it occupied only part of the former territory of Media, that in southern Azerbaijan, which later came to be called Media (or Media Minor, Median Atropatene, and Atropatene).

Media occupies a prominent place in the political, economic, and cultural history of antiquity. Zoroastrianism became widespread in Media. The Avesta was evidently codified in Atropatene in the fourth century B.C. Some of the Medes, having merged into the autochthonic tribes of Atropatene, played a significant role in the ethnogenesis of the Azerbaijanis.


D’iakonov, I. M. Istoriia Midii ot drevneishikh vremen do kontsa IVveka do n. e. Moscow-Leningrad, 1956.
Aliev, I. Istoriia Midii. Baku, 1960.
Grantovskii, E. A. Ranniaia istoriia iranskikh piemen Perednei Azii. Moscow, 1970.
Cameron, G. G. History of Early Iran. Chicago, 1936.



[′mē·dē·ə] (histology) The middle, muscular layer in the wall of a vein, artery, or lymph vessel.


1. the middle layer of the wall of a blood or lymph vessel 2. one of the main veins in the wing of an insect


an ancient country of SW Asia, south of the Caspian Sea: inhabited by the Medes; overthrew the Assyrian Empire in 612 bc in alliance with Babylonia; conquered by Cyrus the Great in 550 bc; corresponds to present-day NW Iran


(1) Materials that hold data in any form or that allow data to pass through them, including paper, transparencies, multipart forms, hard, floppy and optical discs, magnetic tape, wire, cable and fiber. Media is the plural of "medium."

(2) Any form of information, including music and movies. May also refer to CDs, DVDs, videotapes and other prerecorded material. See multimedia.

(3) The trade press (magazines, newspapers, etc.). See electronic media.



 [me´de-ah] (L.) 1. plural of medium.2. middle.3. tunica media.


(mē'dē-ă), 1. Synonym(s): tunica media2. Plural of medium. [L. fem. of medius, middle]

media 1

(mē′dē-ə)n. A plural of medium. See Usage Note at medium.

media 2

(mē′dē-ə)n. The middle, often muscular layer of the wall of a blood vessel.


Soil, water, air, plants, animals or any other parts of the environment that can contain contaminants.
(1) Electronic substrate on which to store information; digital media.
(2) Media with hyperlinks; hypermedia.
Plural of medium.
A fluid or gel that contains special nutrients for growing bacteria or other microorganisms from clinical specimens.
Vox populi
Any means of mass communication.


(mē'dē-ă) 1. Synonym(s): tunica media. 2. Plural of medium. [L. fem. of medius, middle]


The middle wall of an artery or vein. The media is composed of smooth muscle and elastic fibres and is the thickest of the three layers. Also known as the tunica media.


Substance which contains all the nutrients necessary for bacteria to grow in a culture.Mentioned in: Legionnaires' Disease


(mē'dē-ă) 1. Synonym(s): tunica media. 2. Plural of medium. [L. fem. of medius, middle]



the channels of communication available to a firm (or some other organization) through which the firm's products can be advertised to prospective buyers. The main media channels available in the UK and other major economies include commercial television and radio, newspapers and magazines, technical journals, poster sites, cinemas and theatres, display cards (on buses, in restaurants etc.) and direct mailing. A firm's selection of appropriate media for its ADVERTISEMENTS will depend critically on whether the whole MARKET or particular MARKET SEGMENTS are being targeted (for example, in the former case national newspapers may be used, in the latter case, appropriate specialist journals and magazines); the desired degree of ADVERTISING FREQUENCY required (daily, weekly, etc.); and the relative costs of placing advertisements in the various media combined with the firm's advertising budget limits. See ADVERTISING, INTERNET.


the channels of communication (commercial television and radio, newspapers and magazines, poster sites, etc.) through which a firm's product can be advertised to prospective buyers. See ADVERTISEMENT, ADVERTISING.


MEDIAMobile Electronic Documents with Interacting Agents
MEDIAMauritius Export Development and Investment Authority
MEDIAMedia Elimination and Design Intelligent Aid
MEDIAMissile Error Data Integration Analysis




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