left pulmonary artery

left pul·mo·nar·y ar·ter·y

[TA] the shorter of the two terminal branches of the pulmonary trunk, it pierces the pericardium to enter the hilum of the left lung. Branches ramify and are distributed with the segmental and subsegmental bronchi; frequent variations occur. Typical branches: of the superior lobar arteries [TA] (arteriae lobares superiores pulmonis , under arteria [TA]) are the apical segmental artery [TA] (arteria segmentalis apicalis (dextri et sinistri) [TA]), anterior segmental artery [TA] (arteria segmentalis anterior pulmonis (dextri et sinistri) [TA]), and posterior segmental artery [TA] (arteria segmentalis posterior pulmonis (dextri et sinistri) [TA]), with the latter two having ascending and descending branches [TA] (rami ascendens et descendens [TA]); of the lingular artery [TA] (arteria lingularis [TA]) are the superior lingular artery [TA] (arteria lingularis superior [TA]) and inferior lingular artery [TA] (arteria lingularis inferior [TA]); and of the inferior lobar arteries [TA] (arteriae lobares inferiores pulmonis , under arteria [TA]) are the superior segmental artery [TA] (arteria segmentalis superior pulmonis (dextri et sinistri) [TA]) and a basal part [TA] (pars basalis [TA]) giving rise to anterior, posterior, lateral, and medial basal segmental arteries [TA] (arteriae segmentales basales anterior, posterior, lateralis et medialis [TA]). Synonym(s): arteria pulmonalis sinistra [TA]

left pul·mo·nar·y ar·te·ry

(left pul'mŏ-nar-ē ahr'tĕr-ē) [TA] The shorter of the two terminal branches of the pulmonary trunk, it pierces the pericardium to enter the hilum of the left lung. Its branches accompany the segmental and subsegmental bronchi. Branches to the superior lobe (rami lobi superioris [TA]) are apical (ramus apicalis [TA]), anterior ascending (ramus anterior ascendens [TA]), anterior descending (ramus anterior descendens [TA]), posterior (ramus posterior [TA]), and lingular (ramus lingularis [TA]), the last having inferior and superior branches (rami lingulares inferior et superior [TA]). Branches to the inferior lobe (rami lobi inferioris [TA]) are the superior branch of the inferior lobe (ramus superior lobi inferioris [TA]) and the medial (medialis), anterior, lateral (lateralis), and posterior basal branches (rami basales [TA]).