

单词 mtl



The ISO 4217 currency code for the Maltese Lira.


ISO 4217 currency code for the Maltese lira, which was the currency of Malta from 1972 until 2007. Prior to 1972, Malta used the British pound; when the pound decimalized, Malta decided to issue its own lira, which it pegged to the pound on a 1:1 basis. It later was pegged to a currency basket and became the second highest valued currency in the world. It was replaced by the euro on January 1, 2008.


MTLMontreal (Canada)
MTLMachine Translation (computing)
MTLMaltese Lira (ISO currency code)
MTLMouth to Lung (vaping)
MTLMonatlich (German: monthly)
MTLMean Tide Level
MTLMicro Trains Line (maker of N and Z scale model trains)
MTLMulti-Task Learning
MTLManufacturing Team Leader
MTLMotion Time Lapse (film technique)
MTLMaterials Testing Laboratory (various locations)
MTLMaterials Technology Laboratory
MTLMathematical Thinking and Learning
MTLMighty Leaf Tea
MTLMother Tongue Language
MTLMore To Life
MTLMedial Temporal Lobe (brain)
MTLMalawi Telecommunications Limited
MTLMinimum Trigger Level
MTLMicroprocessor Technology Lab
MTLMaster Testing List
MTLMessage Transfer Layer
MTLMerged Transistor Logic
MTLMaterial Library
MTLMail Traffic Limiter
MTLMaterials Toolkit
MTLMobile Technology Lab
MTLMatrix Template Library
MTLMicrosystems Technology Laboratories
MTLMain Telephone Line
MTLMath Teacher Link
MTLMore Than Likely
MTLMovimiento Territorial de Liberación (Spanish: Territorial Liberation Movement; Argentina)
MTLModern Terminals Limited
MTLMulticonductor Transmission Line
MTLMore to Love
MTLMilitary Training Leader
MTLMy True Love
MTLMission Tasking Letter (US DoD)
MTLMessage Transfer Layer (ITU-T)
MTLMaximum Tolerated Dose
MTLMetric Temporal Logic (computer science)
MTLMedium-Term Loan
MTLMinimum Triggering Level (DO 181C RTCA specification)
MTLMicrostrip Transmission Line
MTLModerate Temperature Loop
MTLMore Taste League (beer commercial)
MTLMore Than Love
MTLMaster Target List
MTLModal Transmission-Line (method)
MTLMission Time Line
MTLMaster Task Listing
MTLMaster Training List
MTLMultisetting Torque Limiter
MTLMaster Tracking List
MTLManual Tie Line
MTLMaster Tool List
MTLMean Track Life
MTLMaximum Token Latency (networks)
MTLMinimum Termination Liability (Sprint)
MTLMean Traffic Load
MTLMobile Telephone Laboratory
MTLMechanically Tuned Laser (IEEE)
MTLMoving Target Locator
MTLMiller Taste League (beer advertisement)
MTLMetal Tiles Ltd (UK)




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