

单词 mti



(electronics) moving-target indicator



Abbreviation for:
malignant teratoma, intermediate
Medical Training Initiative, see there 
minimum time interval
molecular topological index


MTIMinistry of Trade and Industry (Singapore)
MTIMetal Technology, Inc. (Albany, OR)
MTIMassage Training Institute (various locations)
MTIMagyar Távirati Iroda (news agency in Budapest, Hungary)
MTIMoving Target Indicator (radar)
MTIMitchell Technical Institute (Mitchell, SD)
MTIMetal Treating Institute
MTIMulti Terminal Interface
MTIMandatory to Implement
MTIMedical Teams International (Portland, OR)
MTIMachine Tools India
MTIMusic Theater International (licensing; New York)
MTIMoving Target Indication (radar)
MTIMarine Trophic Index
MTIMediation Training Institute International
MTIMilitary Training Instructor
MTIMechanical Technology Incorporated
MTIMedical Tourism Index (International Healthcare Research Center)
MTIManufacturing Technology, Inc.
MTIMarket Transformation Initiative (various organizations)
MTIMassage Therapy Instructor
MTIMaterial to Inventory (various companies)
MTIMessage Type Identifier
MTIMother Tongue Influence
MTIMuppet Treasure Island (movie)
MTIMarket Technologies, Inc. (Charlevoix, MI)
MTIMechanical Trades Institute (Atlanta, GA)
MTIMarion Technical Institute
MTIMoving Target Identification (radar)
MTIMaster Trust Indenture
MTIMean Total Income
MTIMedical Treatment Injury
MTIManditory Turn-In Item (US Coast Guard)
MTIMethodology Technical Implementation
MTIMens Techniek Interactie (Dutch: Human Technology Interaction)
MTIMagnetic Tape Interface
MTIMach Technologies Incorporated
MTIMulticast Tunnel Interface (computer networking)
MTIMinistria Për Tregti Dhe Industri (Albanian: Ministry of Trade and Industry, Kosova)
MTIModel Technology Incorporated
MTIMaryland Transportation Initiative (University of Maryland)
MTIMaintenance Team Inspection
MTIMemory Technologies, Incorporated
MTIMaximum Tolerable Interference
MTIMechanical Test Instrumentation
MTIMaintenance Test Interface
MTIMedia Technology Initiative (Cooperative Educational Service Agency)
MTIMissed Trigger Interaction
MTIMultispectral Thermal Imager/Imaging
MTIMultiple Tone Interference
MTIMid-Term Inspection




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