Acronym | Definition |
MOE➣Mobile (Amtrak station code; Mobile, AL) |
MOE➣MAD (Magnetic Anomoly Detection) Operational Effectiveness |
MOE➣Ministry of Education |
MOE➣Maintenance of Effort |
MOE➣Margin Of Error |
MOE➣Ministry Of Environment |
MOE➣Ministry of Energy (various nations) |
MOE➣Maintenance of Equipment (transportation) |
MOE➣Model of Excellence (various organizations) |
MOE➣Measure Of Effectiveness |
MOE➣Minister of Economy (various locations) |
MOE➣Modern English (linguistics) |
MOE➣Means of Escape |
MOE➣Margin of Exposure |
MOE➣Modulus of Elasticity |
MOE➣Magpul Original Equipment (firearm accessories) |
MOE➣Maintenance and Operating Expenses (various organizations) |
MOE➣Mantle of the Expert (teaching approach) |
MOE➣Mail over Ethernet |
MOE➣Multimedia over Ethernet |
MOE➣Metro Optical Ethernet |
MOE➣Microsoft Office Enterprise |
MOE➣Management over Ethernet |
MOE➣Multicontrol over Ethernet |
MOE➣Mall of the Emirates (Dubai) |
MOE➣Money Over Everything (song title) |
MOE➣Method of Entry |
MOE➣Minorities of Europe (UK) |
MOE➣Manufacturer Original Equipment |
MOE➣Masters of Education |
MOE➣Merger of Equals (investment banking) |
MOE➣Method Of Evaluation |
MOE➣Metro Optical Ethernet (access piece for Ethernet service) |
MOE➣Mask of Eternity (game) |
MOE➣Maintenance Organization Exposition (Canada) |
MOE➣Malignant Otitis Externa |
MOE➣Major Organizational Entity |
MOE➣Mean Output Energy |
MOE➣Major Outage Event (electrical blackout) |
MOE➣Moving Optical Element |
MOE➣Management Operating Environment |
MOE➣Movement of Extremities |
MOE➣Manufacturing Operating Expense |
MOE➣Measure of Evaluation (source selection) |
MOE➣Message-Overlap Estimator |
MOE➣Minimize Output Energy |
MOE➣Minimum Operable Equipment |
MOE➣Minimal Output Energy |
MOE➣Material Obligation Established |