

单词 left


left 1

L0101800 (lĕft)adj.1. a. Of, belonging to, located on, or being the side of the body to the north when the subject is facing east.b. Of, relating to, directed toward, or located on the left side.c. Located on the left side of a person facing downstream: the left bank of a river.2. often Left Of or belonging to the political or intellectual left.n.1. a. The direction or position on the left side.b. The left side.c. The left hand.d. A turn in the direction of the left hand or side.2. often Lefta. The people and groups who advocate liberal, often radical measures to effect change in the established order, especially in politics, with the goal of achieving the equality, freedom, and well-being of the common citizens of a state. Also called left wing.b. The opinion of those advocating such measures.3. Sports A blow delivered by a boxer's left hand.4. Baseball Left field.adv. Toward or on the left.
[Middle English, from Old English lyft-, weak, useless (in lyftādl, paralysis). N., sense 2, from the fact that liberals often sit on the left side of the legislative chamber in various assemblies .]

left 2

L0101800 (lĕft)v.Past tense and past participle of leave1.


(lɛft) adj1. (usually prenominal) of or designating the side of something or someone that faces west when the front is turned towards the north2. (usually prenominal) worn on a left hand, foot, etc3. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (sometimes capital) of or relating to the political or intellectual left4. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (sometimes capital) radical or progressive, esp as compared to less radical or progressive groups, persons, etcadvon or in the direction of the leftn5. a left side, direction, position, area, or part. 6. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (often capital) the supporters or advocates of varying degrees of social, political, or economic change, reform, or revolution designed to promote the greater freedom, power, welfare, or comfort of the common people7. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) to the left radical in the methods, principles, etc, employed in striving to achieve such change8. (Boxing) boxing a. a blow with the left handb. the left hand[Old English left idle, weak, variant of lyft- (in lyftādl palsy, literally: left-disease); related to Middle Dutch lucht left]


(lɛft) vb the past tense and past participle of leave1



adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or located on or near the side of a person or thing that is turned toward the west when the subject is facing north (opposed to right). 2. (often cap.) of or belonging to the political Left; having liberal or radical views in politics. n. 3. the left side, or something that is on the left side. 4. a turn toward the left: Make a left at the next corner. 5. the Left, a. those individuals or organized groups advocating liberal reform or revolutionary change in the social, political, or economic order. b. the liberal position held by these people. 6. (usu. cap.) a. the part of a legislative assembly, esp. in continental Europe, that is situated to the left of the presiding officer. b. the more liberal members of such an assembly, who customarily sit in this part. 7. stage left. 8. a boxing blow delivered by the left hand. adv. 9. toward the left. [1125–75; Middle English left, lift, luft, Old English left idle, weak, c. Middle Dutch, Low German lucht(er), luft]



v. pt. and pp. of leave 1 .


See also right.
levoductionmotion or a tendency to move to the left, as the motion of the eye.levorotationrotation toward the left; counterclockwise rotation, a characteristic of the plane of polarization of light. — levorotatory, adj.levoversionthe state or process of turning to the left.sinistralitythe state or quality of being left-handed or oriented towards the left in other ways, as a shell with counterclockwise spirals. Also sinistration. — sinistral, adj.sinistrogyrationlevorotation. Also called levogyration. — sinistrogyric, adj.


The people or parties who support social and political reform with a view to improving the condition or increasing the power of the common people.
Noun1.left - location near or direction toward the left sideleft - location near or direction toward the left side; i.e. the side to the north when a person or object faces east; "she stood on the left"position, place - the particular portion of space occupied by something; "he put the lamp back in its place"left stage, stage left - the part of the stage on the actor's left as the actor faces the audienceright - location near or direction toward the right side; i.e. the side to the south when a person or object faces east; "he stood on the right"
2.left - those who support varying degrees of social or political or economic change designed to promote the public welfareleft wingfaction, sect - a dissenting clique
3.left - the hand that is on the left side of the bodyleft - the hand that is on the left side of the body; "jab with your left"left handhand, manus, mitt, paw - the (prehensile) extremity of the superior limb; "he had the hands of a surgeon"; "he extended his mitt"
4.left - the piece of ground in the outfield on the catcher's leftleft - the piece of ground in the outfield on the catcher's left; "the batter flied out to left"left field, leftfieldoutfield - the area of a baseball playing field beyond the lines connecting the basesparcel of land, piece of ground, piece of land, tract, parcel - an extended area of land
5.left - a turn toward the side of the body that is on the north when the person is facing east; "take a left at the corner"turning, turn - the act of changing or reversing the direction of the course; "he took a turn to the right"
Adj.1.left - being or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the west when facing north; "my left hand"; "left center field"; "the left bank of a river is bank on your left side when you are facing downstream"left-handed - using or intended for the left hand; "left-handed golfers need left-handed clubs"; "left-handed scissors"right - being or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the east when facing north; "my right hand"; "right center field"; "a right-hand turn"; "the right bank of a river is the bank on your right side when you are facing downstream"
2.left - not used upleft - not used up; "leftover meatloaf"; "she had a little money left over so she went to a movie"; "some odd dollars left"; "saved the remaining sandwiches for supper"; "unexpended provisions"left over, leftover, remaining, unexpended, oddunexhausted - not used up completely; "an unexhausted well"
3.left - intended for the left hand; "I rarely lose a left-hand glove"left-handleft-handed - using or intended for the left hand; "left-handed golfers need left-handed clubs"; "left-handed scissors"
4.left - of or belonging to the political or intellectual leftsocialist, socialistic - advocating or following the socialist principles; "socialistic government"liberal - tolerant of change; not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or traditioncenter - of or belonging to neither the right nor the left politically or intellectuallyright - of or belonging to the political or intellectual right
Adv.1.left - toward or on the left; also used figuratively; "he looked right and left"; "the political party has moved left"right - toward or on the right; also used figuratively; "he looked right and left"; "the party has moved right"


adjective1. left-hand, port, larboard (Nautical) She had a pain in her chest, on the left side.2. (of politics) socialist, liberal, radical, progressive, left-wing, leftist The play offers a new perspective on left politics.Related words
adjectives sinister, sinistral


(left) adjective on, for, or belonging to, the side of the body that in most people has the less skilful hand (the side of a person or thing which is toward the west when that person or thing is facing north-opposite to right). She wore an engagement ring on her left hand; They drive on the left side of the road in Britain. adverb to or towards this side. He turned left at the end of the road. 向左 向左 noun1. the left side, part etc. He sat on her left; She turned to her left; Take the first road on the left; Keep to the left! 左邊 左边2. within a political party, Parliament etc, the most radical or socialist group. 左派 左派ˈleft-hand adjective1. at the left; to the left of something else. the bottom left-hand drawer of the desk. 左邊的 左侧的2. towards the left. a left-hand bend in the road. 向左的 向左的left-ˈhanded adjective having the left hand more skilful than the right. 慣用左手的 惯用左手的,左撇的 left-ˈhandedness noun 慣用左手 惯用左手left-ˈwing adjective (having opinions which are) radical, socialist or communist. 左派的 左翼的left wing the left of a political party. 左派 左翼


在左面zhCN, 左边zhCN, 左边的zhCN
  • Turn left → 转左
  • Take the second turn on your left (US)
    Take the second turning on your left (UK) → 第二个路口转左
  • Turn left at the next intersection (US)
    Go left at the next junction (UK) → 下一个路口转左
  • The bus has left without me (US)
    The coach has left without me (UK) → 长途车已经开走了,我没赶上
  • I've been left behind → 我没赶上这趟车


  • backhanded compliment
  • be (out) in left field
  • be in left field
  • be left (out) in the cold
  • be left at the post
  • be left hanging (in the air/in midair)
  • be left hanging in the air
  • be left holding the baby
  • be left holding the bag
  • be left in the dark (about something)
  • be left in the lurch
  • be left to (one's) own devices
  • be left to (one's) own resources
  • better left unsaid
  • come from left field
  • come out of left field
  • Elvis has left the building
  • exit stage left
  • from left field
  • hang a left
  • hang a left/right
  • have two left feet
  • hold(ing) the bag, to/be left
  • jog to the right
  • keep on the left side
  • leave (one) cold
  • leave (one) flat
  • leave (one) high and dry
  • leave (one) holding the baby
  • leave (one) in the lurch
  • leave (one) to (one's) (own) resources
  • leave (one) to (one's) fate
  • leave (one) to stew
  • leave (one) to stew in (one's) own juice(s)
  • leave (one's or its) mark on (someone or something)
  • leave (one's) guard down
  • leave (one's) mark
  • leave (someone or something) (at) (some place)
  • leave (someone or something) alone
  • leave (someone or something) behind
  • leave (someone or something) in (one's) hands
  • leave (someone or something) in (someone's) care
  • leave (someone or something) in peace
  • leave (someone or something) in the care of (someone)
  • leave (someone or something) in the charge of (someone)
  • leave (someone or something) in the hands of (one)
  • leave (someone or something) out of (something)
  • leave (someone or something) under (someone's) care
  • leave (someone) in the dark (about something)
  • leave (someone) to it
  • leave (someone, something, or oneself) (wide) open for (something)
  • leave (someone, something, or oneself) (wide) open to (something)
  • leave (something or someone) standing
  • leave (something) for another time/day/week/etc.
  • leave (something) in ruins
  • leave (something) lying about
  • leave (something) lying around
  • leave (something) on
  • leave (something) out of account
  • leave (something) to chance
  • leave (something) to fate
  • leave (something) to luck
  • leave (up) in the air
  • leave a bad taste in (one's) mouth
  • leave a bad taste in the mouth
  • leave a great deal to be desired
  • leave a lot to be desired
  • leave a nasty taste in (one's) mouth
  • leave a nasty taste in the mouth
  • leave a sinking ship
  • leave a sour taste in (one's) mouth
  • leave an impression
  • leave aside
  • leave down
  • leave for
  • leave for dead
  • leave go (of something)
  • leave holding the bag
  • leave home
  • leave in
  • leave in a body
  • leave in the lurch, to
  • leave it at that
  • leave little to the imagination
  • leave lots to be desired
  • leave much to be desired
  • leave no stone unturned
  • leave nothing to the imagination
  • leave off
  • leave open
  • leave out
  • leave something to be desired
  • leave the door open
  • leave the door open for (something or doing something)
  • leave the nest
  • leave the room
  • leave to (one)
  • leave up
  • leave well (enough) alone
  • leave with
  • leave word
  • leave word for (one)
  • left and right
  • left coast
  • left field
  • left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing
  • left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing, the
  • left one's calling card
  • left out in the cold
  • left to one's own devices, to be
  • left to your own devices
  • left wing
  • left, right and centre
  • left, right, and center
  • left, right, and centre
  • left-field
  • left-handed compliment
  • left-handed compliment, a
  • left-handed monkey wrench
  • let (one) stew
  • out in left field
  • out of left field
  • pay (one) a left-handed compliment
  • pay a backhanded compliment
  • pick (something) up where (one) left off
  • right and left
  • stew in one's own juice, left to
  • swipe left
  • take up
  • take up where (one) left off
  • take up where one left off
  • the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing
  • the left hand doesn't know what the right hand's doing
  • the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing
  • the right hand doesn't know what the left hand's doing
  • twist in the wind, be left to
  • two left feet
  • two left feet, have
  • who died and left you in charge



in politics, the more radically progressive wing in any legislative body or party. The designation apparently originated in the French National Assembly of 1789, where the radicals were seated to the left of the presiding officer.


the supporters or advocates of varying degrees of social, political, or economic change, reform, or revolution designed to promote the greater freedom, power, welfare, or comfort of the common people


congenital heart disease

A congenital malformation–eg, coarctation of aorta, VSD, ASD, tetraology of Fallot–of the heart or great blood vessels, which may or may not have clinical consequences. See Baby Faye heart, Shunt. Congenital heart disease Rightleft shunt Cyanotic shunt Tetralogy of Fallot, transposition of the great vessels, trucus arteriosus, tricuspid valve atresia Leftright shunt Acyanotic shunt Patent ductus arteriosus, atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect, aortic stenosis, pulmonary stenosis, aortic coarctation (NEJM 2000; 342:256rv)

Patient discussion about Left

Q. Dear Doctors,I had cyst in my left ovary and poped it off,after that I have a small pain every day. in HSG everything was OK.my Pop smir is ok and in histroscopy every thing was ok. would you please ask me why I have this pain?A. as Ann already mentioned - this is a good place to get good advises, not diagnosis... my advise to you is to ask the gyno how long there should be pain after the surgery. i'm sure it take couple of days minimum but i would ask him about it. if there's something wrong he'll know what to do.
sorry i can't help more...

Q. is taking glucosomine and msm good enough for me?i have problems with my left knee. i was wondering if i absolutely need to add in chrondoitin to the mix.will this add more joint support benefit for my problamatic left knee...?so far,the glucosomine and msm seem to be working pretty good but maybe things could be even better by adding in chrondoitin perhaps...?A. I have hypoglycemia, shellfish and sulfa drug allergy and cataracts, and developed symptoms like diabetic neuropathy after taking this for over 60 days. Since learned that glucosamine is sugar and sulpha based, and chondroitan is made from shellfish, so I should not have used.

Q. My grandmother has arthritis in her left knee. Is it likely that she will develop in the future arthritis in other parts of the body as well?A. Unfortunately ostheoarthritis is a disease that can effect almost every joint and therefore arthritis like she has in her knee can develope in other places such as the ankles, hips and hand joints.

More discussions about Left
LegalSeeLeaveSee LFT


LEFTLaw Enforcement Retirement


Related to left: right, left join, Left handed
  • all
  • adj
  • noun
  • adv

Synonyms for left

adj left-hand


  • left-hand
  • port
  • larboard

adj socialist


  • socialist
  • liberal
  • radical
  • progressive
  • left-wing
  • leftist

Synonyms for left

noun location near or direction toward the left side

Related Words

  • position
  • place
  • left stage
  • stage left


  • right

noun those who support varying degrees of social or political or economic change designed to promote the public welfare


  • left wing

Related Words

  • faction
  • sect

noun the hand that is on the left side of the body


  • left hand

Related Words

  • hand
  • manus
  • mitt
  • paw

noun the piece of ground in the outfield on the catcher's left


  • left field
  • leftfield

Related Words

  • outfield
  • parcel of land
  • piece of ground
  • piece of land
  • tract
  • parcel

noun a turn toward the side of the body that is on the north when the person is facing east

Related Words

  • turning
  • turn

adj being or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the west when facing north

Related Words

  • left-handed


  • right

adj not used up


  • left over
  • leftover
  • remaining
  • unexpended
  • odd

Related Words

  • unexhausted

adj intended for the left hand


  • left-hand

Related Words

  • left-handed

adj of or belonging to the political or intellectual left

Related Words

  • socialist
  • socialistic
  • liberal


  • center
  • right

adv toward or on the left


  • right




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