Kinetika I Kataliz
Kinetika I Kataliz
(Kinetics and Catalysis), a scientific journal issued by the Siberian division of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, published six times yearly in Moscow since 1960.
Kinetika i Kataliz publishes original theoretical and experimental studies on a number of subjects, including the kinetics of chemical transformations in gases, solutions, and solid phases; the investigation of active intermediate particles (radicals, ions); combustion; the mechanism of homogenous and heterogenous catalysis; scientific bases for the selection of catalysts; important catalytic processes in current practice; the effect of mass-transfer and heat-transfer processes on the kinetics of chemical transformations; and calculation and simulation techniques for contact apparatus. The journal also reviews the most important problems of catalysis and the kinetics of chemical transformations. Circulation, 1,650 (1972).