Acronym | Definition |
MTF➣Medical Treatment Facility |
MTF➣Military Treatment Facility |
MTF➣Modulation Transfer Function |
MTF➣Month(s) to Failure |
MTF➣My Tractor Forum |
MTF➣Monitoring the Future (study/survey) |
MTF➣MensTennisForums (website) |
MTF➣Multiple True-False (examinations and assessments) |
MTF➣Mobile Task Force (various locations) |
MTF➣More than Friends |
MTF➣Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation |
MTF➣Magnetic Tape File |
MTF➣Master Test Frame |
MTF➣Move to Front |
MTF➣Mib Translation File |
MTF➣Multilateral Trading Facilities |
MTF➣Male-to-Female transsexual |
MTF➣Microsoft Tape Format |
MTF➣Move to Front (coding) |
MTF➣Magnetized Target Fusion |
MTF➣Mean Time to Failure |
MTF➣Make Trade Fair (campaign) |
MTF➣More to Follow |
MTF➣Message Text Format |
MTF➣Meet the Fockers (movie) |
MTF➣Manual Transmission Fluid |
MTF➣Maintenance Test Flight |
MTF➣Mississippi Test Facility |
MTF➣Mark Taper Forum (Theatre, Los Angeles, CA, USA) |
MTF➣Medicinsk Teknik Och Fysik (Sweden) |
MTF➣Multiple Time Frame (trading) |
MTF➣Mtarfa (postal locality, Malta) |
MTF➣Mercury Task Force (Conference of New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers) |
MTF➣Magnet Test Facility |
MTF➣Market Transition Facility (replaced new Jersey Joint Underwriters Association) |
MTF➣Manitoba Tenpin Federation (Canada) |
MTF➣Mega Team Fortress (Quake 1) |
MTF➣Military Training Flight |
MTF➣Memorandum-To-File |
MTF➣Meet the Faith (TV show) |
MTF➣Massachusetts Taxpayer Foundation |
MTF➣Mobile to Fixed |
MTF➣Microwave Test Facility |
MTF➣Maintain the Focus |
MTF➣Maintenance Test Facility |
MTF➣Mobile Training Facility |
MTF➣Malawi Traditional Fisheries |
MTF➣Message Transfer Format |
MTF➣Modulator Transfer Function |
MTF➣Maintenance Training Flight (US DoD) |
MTF➣Muskegon Temporary Facility (Michigan Department of Corrections) |
MTF➣McCormick Tribune Fellowship (Media Management Center Northwestern University; Illinois) |
MTF➣Maintenance Team Foreman |
MTF➣Matrix Test Facility |
MTF➣Machine Tool Wire |
MTF➣Mission Task Folder |
MTF➣Multiple Tree Forest (Windows 2000 Active Directory) |
MTF➣Mechanical Timed Fuse |
MTF➣Manning Task Force (DCSPER Army) |
MTF➣Manual Test Facility |
MTF➣Meteorological Task Force |
MTF➣Mobile Termination Function |