Nabi, Yusuf

Nabi, Yusuf


Born 1642, in Urfa; died Apr. 10, 1712, in Istanbul. Turkish poet.

Beginning in 1685, Nabi held various government posts in Istanbul. He lived for a long time in Aleppo (Halab). He took part in military campaigns. His works reflect the most important events of his era. Nabi left a divan of lyrical verse (published in 1841), travel notes entitled Tuhfet-ül-Haremeyn (1682, published 1849), and narrative poems. In the long didactic poem dedicated to his son, Hayriye (1701, published 1889), Nabi expressed his ethical and philosophical views, which were based on the dogmas of Islam, and denounced the idleness and hypocrisy of the social elite.


Nábî’nin Sûr-nme’si. Ankara, 1944.


Garbuzova, V. S. Poety srednevekovoi Turtsii. Leningrad, 1863.
Karahan, A. Nâbî. Istanbul, 1953.
Kabakh, A. Türk edebiyati, vol. 2, part 2. Istanbul, 1968.