释义 |
Mammomonogamus (mam'ō-mon-og'ă-mŭs), Genus of syngamid trematode (family Syngamidae) found in the respiratory system of ruminants and occasionally reported in humans; worms usually joined together in a Y-shaped formation.Mam·mo·mon·o·ga·mus (mam'ō-mon-og'ă-mus) Genus of syngamid trematodes (family Syngamidae) found in the respiratory system of ruminants and occasionally reported in humans; worms usually joined together in a Y-shaped formation. Mammomonogamus (măm″ō-mŏ nŏg-ă-mŭs) [L. mamma, breast, teat + Gr. monogamos, marrying only once] The preferred name for a genus of nematodes that parasitize the respiratory tracts of humans. It was formerly known as Syngamus, which is now limited to describe those related nematodes that parasitize the respiratory tracts of birds. Mammomonogamus laryngeusA species normally parasitic in ruminants but sometimes infesting humans. |