mammillothalamic tract

mam·mil·lo·tha·lam·ic fas·cic·u·lus

[TA] a compact, thick bundle of nerve fibers that passes dorsalward from the mammillary body on either side to terminate in the anterior nucleus of the thalamus. Synonym(s): fasciculus mammillothalamicus, fasciculus thalamomammillaris, mammillothalamic tract, Vicq d'Azyr bundle

mammillothalamic tract

The myelinated axons that arise from cells of the medial and lateral nuclei of the mammillary body and from fibres from the fornix, connecting the mammillary body to the dorsal and ventral tegmental nuclei and the anterior thalamic nucleus.

mammillothalamic tract

An axon tract originating in the mammillary body and synapsing in the anterior nucleus of the thalamus. The mammillothalamic tract is an integral component of the loop of neural circuits called the limbic system. See also: tract