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DictionarySeeadenosineadenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate
adenosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate[ə¦den·ə·sēn ¦thrē¦prīm ¦fīv¦prīm ′sīk·lik ′mä·nō′fäs·fāt] (biochemistry) cyclic adenylic acid adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate
a·den·o·sine 3',5'-cy·clic mo·no·phos·phate (cAMP), (ă-den'ō-sēn sī'klik mo'nō-fos'fāt), An activator of phosphorylase kinase and an effector of other enzymes, formed in muscle from ATP by adenylate cyclase and broken down to 5'-AMP by a phosphodiesterase; the first compound referred to as a "second messenger." It is a metabolic regulator. A related compound (2',3') is also known. Synonym(s): cyclic adenylic acid, cyclic AMP, cyclic phosphatea·den·o·sine 3',5'-cy·clic mo·no·phos·phate (cAMP) (ă-den'ō-sēn sik'lik mon'ō-fos'fāt) An activator of phosphorylase kinase and an effector of other enzymes, formed in muscle from adenosine triphosphate by adenylate cyclase and broken down to 5'-AMP by a phosphodiesterase; sometimes referred to as the "second messenger." A related compound (2',3') is also known. Synonym(s): cyclic AMP. adenosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate Abbreviation: AMP A cyclic form of adenosine. Its synthesis from adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is stimulated by an enzyme, adenylate cyclase (also called cyclic AMP synthetase). Adenosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate is important in a wide variety of metabolic responses to cell stimuli. See also: adenosine |