Acronym | Definition |
AIK➣Automated Installation Kit (Microsoft) |
AIK➣Automation Installation Kit |
AIK➣Adams International Knifeworks (est. 1987) |
AIK➣As I Know |
AIK➣Associated Industries of Kentucky (est. 1979) |
AIK➣Assistance in Kind (host nation support) |
AIK➣Architectural Institute of Korea (est. 1945; South Korea) |
AIK➣Allmäna Idrottsklubben (Swedish sports club) |
AIK➣American Indoor Karting |
AIK➣American Institute of Kenpo (Tucson, AZ marital arts) |
AIK➣All Insect Killer (insecticide for both crawling and flying insects) |
AIK➣Aircraft Installation Kit(s) |
AIK➣Arachnological Institute of Korea |
AIK➣Afghanistan, Iraq, Kuwait |