

单词 mtc



A Modula-2 to C translator.



(Machine Type Communications) Cellular transmission from machines rather than people. MTC was coined by the 3G/4G term (see 3GPP).


medullary carcinoma of thyroid

A neuroendocrine tumour that comprises ±5% of thyroid cancers, arising in the C (parafollicular) cells of the ultimobranchial cleft—i.e., neural crest origin. It is either sporadic (70–90% of cases) or inherited (10–30%) as part of the autosomal dominant multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) types 2A or 2B, the latter in association with mutations of the RET proto-oncogene. The average age at diagnosis is 50; it is slightly more common in women.
Clinical findings
Related to local growth and compromised of regional structures; increased calcitonin causes hypercalcaemia, hypertension, paraneoplastic syndromes (e.g., Cushing syndrome) and neuromas.
Clinical forms
• Sporadic—70–90% of cases, mean age of onset 45; presenting as a solitary “cold nodule” (by thyroid scan), which may be accompanied by intractable diarrhoea and Cushing’s syndrome. 
• Familial—10–30% of cases, mean age of onset 35; multifocal and bilateral, accompanied by C-cell hyperplasia of residual thyroid tissue; familial MCT is often autosomal dominant and associated with multiple endocrine adenomatosis, usually type II (which has a germline abnormality on chromosome 10, an earlier age of onset and is often bilateral) or occasionally type III (IIb; less common, but more aggressive and rarely a non-aggressive form of MCT that is not associated with other neural or endocrine lesion).
MCTs may produce ACTH-like substance, biogenic amines, CEA, corticotropin-releasing factor, NGF, prolactin-releasing hormone, prostaglandins, melanin-stimulating hormone, histaminase, beta-endorphin, 5-hydroxytryptamine, serotonin, somatostatin, thyroglobulin.
Thyroid function tests
Usually normal.
Risk factors
Family history of multiple endocrine neoplasia MEN 2A or 2B, history of phaeochromocytoma, mucosal neuromas, hyperparathyroidism; RT to head or neck, the risk of radiation-induced thyroid nodularity and carcinoma increases with radiation dose and decreases the older the person was at the time of irradiation.
Metastases to
Cervical lymph nodes, mediastinum, lungs, liver, bone, brain, adrenal glands.
Total thyroidectomy, radioiodine.
70–80% 5-year survival; sporadic MCT has a 50% 10-year survival; 10- and 20-year survival is 63% and 44% respectively (papillary thyroid carcinoma has 95% 10-year survival). 70% develop nodal metastasis.

Medullary thyroid cancer (MTC)

A slow-growing tumor associated with MEN.Mentioned in: Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndromes


MTCMetropolitan Transportation Commission
MTCManhattan Theatre Club (New York, New York)
MTCMake the Connection (various locations)
MTCMaritime Training Centre (Germany)
MTCMedicina Tradizionale Cinese (Italian: Traditional Chinese Medicine)
MTCMultistate Tax Commission
MTCMizuno Track Club (Japan)
MTCMachine-Type Communication
MTCMalaysian Timber Council
MTCMetropolitan Transport Corporation (Chennai, India)
MTCMelbourne Theatre Company (Australia)
MTCMédecine Traditionnelle Chinoise (French: Traditional Chinese Medicine)
MTCMalaysian Timber Industry
MTCManual Traffic Control (various locations)
MTCMar Thoma Church
MTCMetropolitan Trial Court (Philippines)
MTCMarin Theatre Company (Mill Valley, CA)
MTCModel Training Course (various organizations)
MTCMobile Telecommunications Company
MTCMinisterio de Transportes y Comunicaciones (Spanish: Ministry of Transport and Communication; Ecuador)
MTCMission Training Complex (US Army)
MTCMissionary Training Center
MTCMotion to Compel (law)
MTCMclaren Technology Centre (UK)
MTCMessage Termination Controller
MTCMagnetic Tape Cartridge
MTCMultimedia Test Center
MTCMultimedia Technology Center
MTCMoving Tape Collector
MTCMaterial Test Certificate (quality assurance)
MTCMilk the Cow
MTCMassachusetts Technology Collaborative (economic development agency; Westborough, MA)
MTCMormon Tabernacle Choir
MTCMobile Telephone Company (various locations)
MTCManagement & Training Corporation
MTCMicrobiology, Tumor and Cell Biology
MTCMission Training Center
MTCMycobacterium Tuberculosis Complex
MTCMedical Treatment Center
MTCMandarin Training Center (Taiwan)
MTCMoney Transfer Company
MTCMobile Technology Center (various organizations)
MTCMarine Terminals Corporation (shipping)
MTCManufacturing Technology Center
MTCMutual Trading Company (various companies)
MTCModified Therapeutic Community (various organizations)
MTCMediterranean-Type Climate
MTCMarketing Technology Center (Sweden)
MTCMachine Tool Components (Charlotte, NC)
MTCManatt Phelps & Phillips (law firm; California)
MTCMercedes-Benz Technology Center (Sindelfingen, Germany)
MTCMichael T. Chulak & Associates (Agoura Hills, CA)
MTCMetal Trades Council
MTCModern Technologies Corporation
MTCMobile Terminated Call (GSM)
MTCMassachusetts Telecommunications Council
MTCManual Therapy Certification
MTCModel Tax Convention (OECD/OCDE)
MTCMillion Tonnes Carbon
MTCMotorcycle Technology Center (YTI Career Institute; Pennsylvania)
MTCMovement to Contact (military)
MTCMercosur Trade Commission
MTCMilitary Technical College (Egypt)
MTCMitsui High-Tec, Inc. (Japan)
MTCMan-Tended Capability
MTCMarcus Tullius Cicero (Latin: epigraphy)
MTCMinistry of Transportation and Communication
MTCMerrick Towle Communications (advertising agency; Beltsville, MD)
MTCMaximum Tolerable Concentration
MTCMidwest Transportation Consortium (Iowa State University)
MTCMelbourne Therapy Centre (Australia)
MTCMontour Trail Council (Pennsylvania)
MTCThyroid Carcinoma, Familial Medullary
MTCMiniature Train Company
MTCMidwestern Training Center (truck driver training)
MTCMulti-Track Codebook
MTCMexico Technical Center (Juarez, Mexico)
MTCMill Test Certificate (Steel Mills)
MTCMake Today Count
MTCMagnetic-Targeted Carrier
MTCMeasurement Technology Center (JPL)
MTCMobilization Training Center (US Army)
MTCManeuver Training Command
MTCMulti-TADIL (Tactical Digital Information Link) Capability
MTCMaster Telecommunications Center
MTCMobile Telecommunications Corp.
MTCMystic Terminal Co.
MTCMultiple Turbo Code
MTCChief Missile Technician (Naval rating)
MTCMaster Training Calendar
MTCModified Total Cost
MTCMeridian Title Corporation
MTCMeasured Term Contractor
MTCMagnetic Tape Cassette
MTCMarine Combat Training
MTCMusic/Machinery Transmission Class (construction)
MTCManagement To Cost
MTCMix Temperature Control
MTCMacao Telecom Company Ltd.
MTCMaximum Tolerated Plasma Concentration
MTCMagnetic Tape Center
MTCMalayan Teachers' Conference (Malaysia)
MTCMain Tritium Column
MTCMensaje de Texto Celular (Spanish: Cellphone Text Message)
MTCMechanical Test Conductor
MTCMedical Treated Case
MTCMissile Threat Conference
MTCMass Transfer Components (hydrocarbon processing)
MTCModerator Temperature Equivalent
MTCMotorcycle Tour Conversions, Inc.
MTCMaterial-Technical Cooperation
MTCMechanical Transfer Connector
MTCMotor Transit Corporation (predecessor of Greyhound)
MTCMonster Truck Collectors (online forum)
MTCMonitoring and Testing Center
MTCMouvement des Travailleurs Croyants (Mali trade union)




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