Badaev, Semen Ivanovich

Badaev, Semen Ivanovich


Born 1778 (?) in the village of Verkhi, Orel Province; died Sept. 21 (Oct. 3), 1847, at the Votkinsk Plant, Vyatka Province.

Badaev was a Russian metallurgist who created an original method for producing steel that has come to be known as Badaev steel. It possessed great ductility and was excellent for welding, surpassing in this respect the best-known types of steel up to that time. Badaev steel was used in the manufacture of surgical instruments, coin stamps, and other products. For his invention the serf Badaev was purchased from his master by the government. The production of Badaev steel was perfected by Badaev at the Votkinsk Plant from 1811 to 1815.


Kotliarevskii. “Opisanie sposoba prigotovleniia tsementnoi i litoi stali v Votkinskomzavode.” Gornyi zhurnal,, 1849, part2, book 6.
Danilevskii, V. V. Russkaia tekhnika,2nd ed. [Leningrad,] 1948.