

单词 bad



not good: bad luck; wicked; defective: a bad part; unsound; false; disobedient: Bad dog!
Not to be confused with:bade – past tense of bid: She bade him goodbye for the last time.

bad 1

B0020700 (băd)adj. worse (wûrs), worst (wûrst) 1. Not achieving an adequate standard; poor: a bad concert.2. Immoral or evil.3. Vulgar or obscene: bad language.4. Disobedient or naughty: bad children.5. Disagreeable, unpleasant, or disturbing: a bad piece of news.6. Unfavorable: bad reviews for the play.7. Not fresh; rotten or spoiled: bad meat.8. Injurious in effect; detrimental: bad habits.9. Not working properly; defective: a bad telephone connection.10. Full of or exhibiting faults or errors: bad grammar.11. Having no validity; void: passed bad checks.12. Being so far behind in repayment as to be considered a loss: bad loans.13. Severe; intense: a bad cold.14. a. Being in poor health or in pain: I feel bad today.b. Being in poor condition; diseased: bad lungs.15. Sorry; regretful: She feels bad about how she treated you.16. bad·der, bad·dest Slang Very good; great.n. Something that is below standard or expectations, as of ethics or decency: weighing the good against the bad.adv. Usage Problem Badly.Idioms: in bad Informal In trouble or disfavor. my bad Slang Used to acknowledge that one is at fault.not half/so bad Informal Reasonably good. that's too bad1. Used to express sadness or sympathy.2. Used in response to a protest or complaint to express insistence that the speaker's expectation be met.
[Middle English badde, perhaps from shortening of Old English bæddel, hermaphrodite, effeminate or homosexual male.]
bad′ness n.Usage Note: Bad is often used as an adverb in sentences such as His tooth ached so bad he could not sleep. This usage is common in informal speech but is widely regarded as unacceptable in formal writing. In our 2009 survey, 72 percent of the Usage Panel rejected the sentence just quoted. · The use of badly with want and need was once considered incorrect, since in these cases it means "very much" rather than "in an inferior manner or condition" or "immorally." But this use is widespread, even in formal contexts, and is now considered standard. · The adverb badly is often used after verbs such as feel, as in I felt badly about the whole affair. This usage bears analogy to the use of other adverbs with feel, such as strongly in We feel strongly about this issue. Some people prefer to maintain a distinction between feel badly and feel bad, restricting the former to emotional distress and using the latter to cover physical ailments; however, this distinction is not universally observed, so feel badly should be used in a context that makes its meaning clear. · Badly is used in some regions to mean "unwell," as in He was looking badly after the accident. Poorly is also used in this way. · Note that badly is required following look when it modifies another word or phrase in the predicate, as in The motorcycle looked badly in need of repair.Our Living Language Many people might have the impression that the slang usage of bad to mean its opposite, "excellent," is a recent innovation of African American Vernacular English. While the usage is of African American origin and parallels to it are found in language use throughout the Caribbean, the "good" use of bad has been recorded for over a century. The first known example dates from 1897. Even earlier, beginning in the 1850s, the word appears in the sense "formidable, very tough," as applied to persons. Whether or not the two usages are related, they both illustrate a favorite creative device of informal and slang language—using a word to mean the opposite of what it "really" means. This is by no means uncommon; people use words sarcastically to mean the opposite of their actual meanings on a daily basis. What is more unusual is for such a usage to be generally accepted within a larger community. Perhaps when the concepts are as basic as "good" and "bad" this general acceptance is made easier. A similar instance is the word uptight, which in the 1960s enjoyed usage in the sense "excellent" alongside its now-current, negative meaning of "tense."

bad 2

B0020700 (băd)v. Archaic A past tense of bid.


(bæd) adj, worse or worst badder or baddest1. not good; of poor quality; inadequate; inferior: bad workmanship; bad soil; bad light for reading. 2. (often foll by at) lacking skill or talent; incompetent: a bad painter; bad at sports. 3. (often foll by for) harmful: bad air; smoking is bad for you. 4. immoral; evil: a bad life. 5. naughty; mischievous; disobedient: a bad child. 6. rotten; decayed; spoiled: a bad egg. 7. severe; intense: a bad headache. 8. incorrect; wrong; faulty: bad pronunciation. 9. ill or in pain (esp in the phrase feel bad)10. regretful, sorry, or upset (esp in the phrase feel bad about)11. unfavourable; distressing: bad news; a bad business. 12. offensive; unpleasant; disagreeable: bad language; bad temper. 13. (Banking & Finance) not valid or sound; void: a bad cheque. 14. (Banking & Finance) not recoverable: a bad debt. 15. slang good; excellent16. go bad to putrefy; spoil17. go from bad to worse to deteriorate even more18. in a bad way informal a. seriously ill, through sickness or injuryb. in trouble of any kind19. in someone's bad books See book2120. make the best of a bad job to manage as well as possible in unfavourable circumstances21. not bad not so bad informal passable; fair; fairly good22. not half bad informal very good23. too bad informal (often used dismissively) regrettablen24. unfortunate or unpleasant events collectively (often in the phrase take the bad with the good)25. an immoral or degenerate state (often in the phrase go to the bad)26. (Accounting & Book-keeping) the debit side of an account: £200 to the bad. 27. my bad informal US and Canadian my fault or mistakeadvnot standard badly: to want something bad. [C13: probably from bæd-, as the first element of Old English bǣddel hermaphrodite, bǣdling sodomite] ˈbaddish adj ˈbadness n


(bæd) vb a variant of bade



adj. worse, worst; (Slang) bad•der, bad•dest for 36; adj. 1. not good in any manner or degree. 2. having a wicked or evil character; morally reprehensible. 3. of inferior quality; inadequate; defective; deficient. 4. disobedient or naughty. 5. inaccurate or faulty: a bad guess. 6. invalid or false: bad judgment. 7. injurious or harmful: Too much sugar is bad for your teeth. 8. suffering from sickness, pain, or injury. 9. diseased, decayed, or physically weakened: a bad heart. 10. tainted, spoiled, or rotten. 11. having a detrimental effect, result, or tendency; unfavorable. 12. disagreeable; unpleasant: a bad night. 13. easily provoked to anger; irascible: a bad temper. 14. severe: a bad flood. 15. regretful or upset: He felt bad about leaving. 16. disreputable or dishonorable: a bad name. 17. displaying a lack of skill or competence. 18. unfortunate or unfavorable: bad news. 19. inclement, as weather. 20. disagreeable or offensive to the senses: a bad odor. 21. lacking aesthetic sensitivity: bad taste. 22. not in keeping with a standard of behavior; coarse: bad manners. 23. a. vulgar, obscene, or blasphemous: a bad word. b. not observing rules or customs of grammar, usage, spelling, etc.: bad English. 24. marred by defects; blemished: bad skin. 25. not profitable or worth the price paid: The land was a bad buy. 26. (of a debt) deemed uncollectible and treated as a loss. 27. counterfeit; not genuine. 28. Slang. outstandingly excellent; first-rate: He is one bad drummer. n. 29. that which is bad: You have to take the bad with the good. 30. a bad condition, character, or quality. adv. 31. badly: She wanted it bad enough to steal it. Idioms: 1. bad or badly off, poor; destitute. 2. in bad, Informal. a. in trouble or distress. b. in disfavor. 3. my bad, Slang. my fault! my mistake! 4. not (half, so, or too) bad, somewhat good; tolerable. 5. too bad, unfortunate or disappointing. [1250–1300; Middle English badde] bad′ness, n. usage: The adjective bad meaning “unpleasant, unattractive, spoiled, etc.,” is the usual form to follow such copulative verbs as sound, smell, look, and taste: After the rainstorm the water tasted bad. The locker room smells bad. After the copulative verb feel, the adjective badly in reference to physical or emotional states is also used and is standard, although bad is more common in formal writing. bad as an adverb appears mainly in informal contexts. See also badly, good.



v. Archaic. a pt. of bid.


– badly">badly1. 'bad'

Something that is bad is unpleasant, harmful, or undesirable.

I have some very bad news.Sugar is bad for your teeth.

The comparative and superlative forms of bad are worse and worst.

Her grades are getting worse and worse.This is the worst day of my life.
2. 'badly'

Don't use 'bad' as an adverb. Don't say, for example, 'They did bad in the elections'. You say 'They did badly in the elections'.

I cut myself badly.The room was so badly lit I couldn't see what I was doing.

When badly is used like this, its comparative and superlative forms are worse and worst.

We played worse than in our previous match.The south of England was the worst affected area.

Badly has another different meaning. If you need or want something badly, you need or want it very much.

I want this job so badly.We badly need the money.I am badly in need of advice.

For this meaning of badly, don't use the comparative and superlative forms 'worse' and 'worst'. Instead you use the forms more badly and most badly.

She wanted to see him more badly than ever.Basketball is the sport that most badly needs new players.
Noun1.bad - that which is below standard or expectations as of ethics or decencybad - that which is below standard or expectations as of ethics or decency; "take the bad with the good"badnessquality - an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone; "the quality of mercy is not strained"--Shakespeareunworthiness - the quality or state of lacking merit or valueundesirability - the quality possessed by something that should be avoidedworse - something inferior in quality or condition or effect; "for better or for worse"; "accused of cheating and lying and worse"evil - that which causes harm or destruction or misfortune; "the evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones"- Shakespeareunsoundness - not mentally or physically healthy; "no one can be a poet without a certain unsoundness of mind"liability - the quality of being something that holds you backinadvisability - the quality of being ill-advisedgoodness, good - that which is pleasing or valuable or useful; "weigh the good against the bad"; "among the highest goods of all are happiness and self-realization"
Adj.1.bad - having undesirable or negative qualitiesbad - having undesirable or negative qualities; "a bad report card"; "his sloppy appearance made a bad impression"; "a bad little boy"; "clothes in bad shape"; "a bad cut"; "bad luck"; "the news was very bad"; "the reviews were bad"; "the pay is bad"; "it was a bad light for reading"; "the movie was a bad choice"worst - (superlative of `bad') most wanting in quality or value or condition; "the worst player on the team"; "the worst weather of the year"worse - (comparative of `bad') inferior to another in quality or condition or desirability; "this road is worse than the first one we took"; "the road is in worse shape than it was"; "she was accused of worse things than cheating and lying"unfavorable, unfavourable - not encouraging or approving or pleasing; "unfavorable conditions"; "an unfavorable comparison"; "unfavorable comments", "unfavorable impression"evil - morally bad or wrong; "evil purposes"; "an evil influence"; "evil deeds"disobedient - not obeying or complying with commands of those in authority; "disobedient children"good - having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specified; "good news from the hospital"; "a good report card"; "when she was good she was very very good"; "a good knife is one good for cutting"; "this stump will make a good picnic table"; "a good check"; "a good joke"; "a good exterior paint"; "a good secretary"; "a good dress for the office"
2.bad - very intensebad - very intense; "a bad headache"; "in a big rage"; "had a big (or bad) shock"; "a bad earthquake"; "a bad storm"bigintense - possessing or displaying a distinctive feature to a heightened degree; "intense heat"; "intense anxiety"; "intense desire"; "intense emotion"; "the skunk's intense acrid odor"; "intense pain"; "enemy fire was intense"
3.bad - feeling physical discomfort or pain (`tough' is occasionally used colloquially for `bad')bad - feeling physical discomfort or pain (`tough' is occasionally used colloquially for `bad'); "my throat feels bad"; "she felt bad all over"; "he was feeling tough after a restless night"toughcolloquialism - a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speechuncomfortable - providing or experiencing physical discomfort; "an uncomfortable chair"; "an uncomfortable day in the hot sun"
4.bad - (of foodstuffs) not in an edible or usable conditionbad - (of foodstuffs) not in an edible or usable condition; "bad meat"; "a refrigerator full of spoilt food"spoiled, spoiltstale - lacking freshness, palatability, or showing deterioration from age; "stale bread"; "the beer was stale"
5.bad - feeling or expressing regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undonebad - feeling or expressing regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undone; "felt regretful over his vanished youth"; "regretful over mistakes she had made"; "he felt bad about breaking the vase"regretful, sorrypenitent, repentant - feeling or expressing remorse for misdeeds
6.bad - not capable of being collected; "a bad (or uncollectible) debt"uncollectibleinvalid - having no cogency or legal force; "invalid reasoning"; "an invalid driver's license"
7.bad - below average in quality or performance; "a bad chess player"; "a bad recital"inferior - of low or inferior quality
8.bad - nonstandard; "so-called bad grammar"linguistics - the scientific study of languagecolloquialism - a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speechnonstandard - not conforming to the language usage of a prestige group within a community; "a nonstandard dialect is one used by uneducated speakers or socially disfavored groups"; "the common core of nonstandard words and phrases in folk speech"- A.R.Dunlap
9.bad - not financially safe or securebad - not financially safe or secure; "a bad investment"; "high risk investments"; "anything that promises to pay too much can't help being risky"; "speculative business enterprises"high-risk, speculative, riskyunsound - not sound financially; "unsound banking practices"
10.bad - physically unsound or diseasedbad - physically unsound or diseased; "has a bad back"; "a bad heart"; "bad teeth"; "an unsound limb"; "unsound teeth"unfit, unsoundunhealthy - not in or exhibiting good health in body or mind; "unhealthy ulcers"
11.bad - capable of harmingbad - capable of harming; "bad air"; "smoking is bad for you"harmful - causing or capable of causing harm; "too much sun is harmful to the skin"; "harmful effects of smoking"
12.bad - characterized by wickedness or immoralitybad - characterized by wickedness or immorality; "led a very bad life"evil - morally bad or wrong; "evil purposes"; "an evil influence"; "evil deeds"
13.bad - reproduced fraudulentlybad - reproduced fraudulently; "like a bad penny..."; "a forged twenty dollar bill"forgedcounterfeit, imitative - not genuine; imitating something superior; "counterfeit emotion"; "counterfeit money"; "counterfeit works of art"; "a counterfeit prince"
14.bad - not working properlybad - not working properly; "a bad telephone connection"; "a defective appliance"defectivemalfunctioning, nonfunctional - not performing or able to perform its regular function; "a malfunctioning valve"
Adv.1.bad - with great intensity (`bad' is a nonstandard variant for `badly')bad - with great intensity (`bad' is a nonstandard variant for `badly'); "the injury hurt badly"; "the buildings were badly shaken"; "it hurts bad"; "we need water bad"badly
2.bad - very much; strongly; "I wanted it badly enough to work hard for it"; "the cables had sagged badly"; "they were badly in need of help"; "he wants a bicycle so bad he can taste it"badly


adjective1. harmful, damaging, dangerous, disastrous, destructive, unhealthy, detrimental, hurtful, ruinous, deleterious, injurious, disadvantageous Divorce is bad for children.
harmful good, sound, safe, beneficial, agreeable, wholesome, healthful
2. severe, serious, terrible, acute, extreme, intense, painful, distressing, fierce, harsh The pain is often so bad she wants to scream.3. poor, unwise, unsound Of course politicians will sometimes make bad decisions.4. unfavourable, troubling, distressing, unfortunate, grim, discouraging, unpleasant, gloomy, adverse The closure of the project is bad news for her staff.5. inferior, poor, inadequate, pathetic, faulty, duff (Brit. informal), unsatisfactory, mediocre, defective, second-class, deficient, imperfect, second-rate, shoddy, low-grade, erroneous, substandard, low-rent (informal, chiefly U.S.), two-bit (U.S. & Canad. slang), crappy (slang), end-of-the-pier (Brit. informal), poxy (slang), dime-a-dozen (informal), piss-poor (slang), bush-league (Austral. & N.Z. informal), tinhorn (U.S. slang), half-pie (N.Z. informal), strictly for the birds (informal) Many old people in Britain are living in bad housing.
inferior fair, adequate, satisfactory
6. incompetent, poor, useless, crap (slang), incapable, unfit, inexpert He was a bad driver.7. severe, hard, tough, harsh, grim, unpleasant Being unable to hear doesn't seem as bad as being unable to see.8. wicked, criminal, evil, corrupt, worthless, base, vile, immoral, delinquent, sinful, depraved, debased, amoral, egregious, villainous, unprincipled, iniquitous, nefarious, dissolute, maleficent I was selling drugs, but I didn't think I was a bad person.
wicked good, moral, ethical, righteous, virtuous, first-rate
9. naughty, defiant, perverse, wayward, mischievous, wicked, unruly, impish, undisciplined, roguish, disobedient You are a bad boy for repeating what I told you.
naughty good, obedient, well-behaved, docile, biddable
10. foul, irritable, grotty She is in a bit of a bad mood because she's just given up smoking.11. guilty, sorry, ashamed, apologetic, rueful, sheepish, contrite, remorseful, regretful, shamefaced, conscience-stricken You don't have to feel bad about relaxing.12. injured (informal), damaged, diseased, hurt, sick, weak, disabled, ailing, lame, unhealthy, dicky (Brit. informal) He has a bad back so we have a hard bed.13. rotten, off, rank, sour, rancid, mouldy, fetid, putrid They bought so much beef that some went bad.14. offensive, nasty, insulting, disgusting, crude, rude, abusive, coarse, indecent, unsavoury, objectionable, uncouth, impolite, discourteous, indelicate, uncivil, indecorous I don't like to hear bad language in the street.15. null and void, false, fake, bogus, worthless, dud, counterfeit, null, not binding, fallacious She wrote another bad cheque.not bad (Informal) O.K. or okay, fine, middling, average, fair, all right, acceptable, moderate, adequate, respectable, satisfactory, so-so, tolerable, passable, fair to middling (informal) These are not bad for cheap shoes.too bad16. a shame, a crime (informal), a pity, a sin, a crying shame, a bummer (slang), a sad thing It is too bad that she had to leave so soon.17. hard luck, tough luck, hard cheese `But I haven't finished yet.' `Too bad.'Quotations
"When I'm good, I'm very, very good, but when I'm bad I'm better" [Mae West I'm No Angel]


adjective1. Below a standard of quality:bum, poor, unsatisfactory.Idioms: below par, not up to scratch.2. Morally objectionable:black, evil, immoral, iniquitous, peccant, reprobate, sinful, vicious, wicked, wrong.3. Misbehaving, often in a troublesome way:ill-behaved, naughty.4. Not pleasant or agreeable:disagreeable, displeasing, offensive, uncongenial, unpleasant, unsympathetic.Informal: icky.Slang: yucky.5. Bringing, predicting, or characterized by misfortune:evil, ill, inauspicious, unfavorable, unpropitious.6. Impaired because of decay:putrid, rotten.7. Causing harm or injury:deleterious, detrimental, evil, harmful, hurtful, ill, injurious, mischievous.nounWhatever is destructive or harmful:badness, evil, ill.


(bӕd) comparative worse (wəːs) : superlative worst (wəːst) adjective1. not good; not efficient. He is a bad driver; His eyesight is bad; They are bad at tennis (= they play tennis badly). 壞的 坏的2. wicked; immoral. a bad man; He has done some bad things. 不道德的 不道德的3. unpleasant. bad news. 令人不快的 使人不愉快的4. rotten. This meat is bad. 腐爛的 腐烂的5. causing harm or injury. Smoking is bad for your health. 有害的 有害的6. (of a part of the body) painful, or in a weak state. She has a bad heart; I have a bad head (= headache) today. 痛的 痛的7. unwell. I am feeling quite bad today. 不舒服的 不舒服的8. serious or severe. a bad accident; a bad mistake. 嚴重的 严重的9. (of a debt) not likely to be paid. The firm loses money every year from bad debts. 壞帳,倒帳 坏帐,倒帐 ˈbadlycomparative worse: superlative worst - adverb1. not well, efficiently or satisfactorily. He plays tennis very badly. 糟糕地 坏,差 2. to a serious or severe extent. He badly needs a haircut; The dress is badly stained. 嚴重地 严重地ˈbadness noun 壞,差,劣 badly off not having much especially money. We can't go on holiday – we are too badly off. 缺錢的 缺少的feel bad (about something) to feel upset or ashamed about something. I feel bad about forgetting to telephone you. 懊惱的 懊恼的go from bad to worse to get into an even worse condition etc than before. Things are going from bad to worse for the firm – not only are we losing money but there's going to be a strike as well. 每況愈下 每况愈下not bad quite good. `Is she a good swimmer?' `She's not bad.' 還不錯 不错too bad unfortunate. It's too bad that he has left. 遺憾 不幸


劣质的zhCN, 坏的zhCN
  • It's a bad line → 线路不清楚
  • I have a bad back (US)
    I've got a bad back (UK) → 我的背很疼



1. mod. powerful; intense. This grass is bad! 2. mod. suitable; excellent; good. I got some new silks that are really bad.
  • (it's) not half bad
  • a bad apple
  • a bad apple spoils the (whole) barrel
  • a bad carpenter blames his tools
  • a bad egg
  • a bad excuse is better than none
  • a bad hair day
  • a bad lot
  • a bad mixer
  • a bad penny
  • a bad penny always turns up
  • a bad press
  • a bad quarter of an hour
  • a bad rap
  • a bad taste in (one's)/the mouth
  • a bad taste in the mouth
  • a bad time
  • a bad workman always blames his tools
  • a bad workman blames his tools
  • a bad/rotten apple
  • a good mixer
  • a good/bad mixer
  • a hard time
  • a run of bad luck
  • a streak of bad luck
  • as bad as all that
  • bad
  • bad actor
  • bad blood
  • bad boy
  • bad break
  • bad bunch
  • bad call
  • bad cess to
  • bad cess to (one)
  • bad check
  • bad company
  • bad egg
  • bad excuse is better than none
  • bad faith
  • bad feeling
  • bad form
  • bad habits die hard
  • bad hair day
  • bad iron
  • bad joke
  • bad lot
  • bad luck
  • Bad money drives out good
  • bad mouth
  • bad name
  • bad news
  • Bad news travels fast
  • bad news/good news
  • bad off
  • bad omen
  • bad paper
  • bad penny
  • bad penny always turns up
  • bad penny, always turns up (comes back) like a
  • bad press
  • bad rap
  • bad sort
  • bad sort, a
  • bad time
  • bad times
  • bad to the bone
  • bad trip
  • bad trot
  • bad word
  • bad workers always blame their tools
  • bad/ill feeling
  • bad-ball hitter
  • bad-mouth
  • be bad news
  • be in (someone's) bad books
  • be in a bad mood
  • be in a bad way
  • be in bad odor with
  • be in bad shape
  • be in bad taste
  • be in bad with (someone)
  • be in bad, the worst possible, etc. taste
  • be in good/bad odour
  • be in the worst possible taste
  • be in/get into somebody's good/bad books
  • be no bad thing
  • be no bad thing...
  • be not half bad
  • be on bad terms (with someone)
  • be on friendly terms with (someone)
  • be on good terms (with someone)
  • be on good, bad, friendly, etc. terms
  • be the best of a bad bunch
  • be the best of a bad lot
  • bearer of bad news
  • best of a bad bargain, to make the
  • best of a bad bunch
  • best of a bad lot
  • big bad
  • can't be bad
  • catch (one) at a bad time
  • catch at a bad time
  • come to a bad end
  • come to a bad/sticky end
  • come to a sticky end
  • come to an end
  • do (someone) a bad turn
  • do a bad job
  • do a good job
  • do a good, bad, etc. job
  • every bit as (something)
  • every bit as good, bad, etc.
  • feel bad
  • feel bad about (something)
  • Fire is a good servant but a bad master
  • from bad to worse
  • get (a) bad press
  • get (a) good press
  • get in a bad mood
  • get in bad
  • get in bad with
  • get in bad with (one)
  • get in bad with someone
  • get into (someone's) bad books
  • get into bad company
  • get into/keep bad company
  • get on (someone's) bad side
  • get on the bad side of (someone)
  • get/have a good, bad, etc. press
  • give (one) a bad time
  • give (one) a hard time
  • give (one) a rough time
  • give (one) up as a bad job
  • give (someone or something) a bad name
  • give a bad account of (oneself)
  • give a bad name to
  • give a bad name to (someone or something)
  • give a bad name to, to
  • give a dog a bad name
  • give a dog a bad name and hang him
  • give bad marks to
  • give bad marks to (someone or something)
  • give somebody a rough, hard, bad, etc. time
  • give somebody/something up as a bad job
  • give something up as a bad job
  • give up (something) as a bad job
  • go bad
  • go from bad to worse
  • go through a bad patch
  • go through a sticky patch
  • go through, hit, etc. a bad/sticky patch
  • good riddance
  • good riddance (to bad rubbish)
  • good riddance to bad rubbish
  • good, bad, or indifferent
  • good/bad form
  • got it bad
  • hard cases make bad laws
  • have (a) bad press
  • have (a) good press
  • have a bad attitude
  • have a bad case of the simples
  • have a bad effect
  • have a bad effect (on someone or something)
  • have a bad hair day
  • have a bad night
  • have a bad opinion of (someone or something)
  • have a bad time
  • have a good night
  • have a good opinion of (someone or something)
  • have a good, bad, high, low, etc. opinion of somebody/something
  • have a good/bad night
  • have a high opinion of (someone or something)
  • have a low opinion of (someone or something)
  • have got it bad
  • hit a bad patch
  • hit a sticky patch
  • hope is a good breakfast but a bad supper
  • ill feeling
  • in (one's) bad graces
  • in (someone's) bad books
  • in a (kind of) light
  • in a bad light
  • in a bad mood
  • in a bad spot
  • in a bad way
  • in a fix
  • in a good light
  • in a good, bad, favourable, etc. light
  • in bad
  • in bad faith
  • in bad form
  • in bad odor
  • in bad odour
  • in bad shape
  • in bad sorts
  • in bad taste
  • in bad with
  • in bad with (one)
  • in bad with, be
  • in good, bad, etc. nick
  • in good, bad, etc. repair
  • in good/poor/etc. nick
  • in good/poor/etc. repair
  • in good/poor/etc. state of repair
  • in someone's bad books
  • in someone's bad graces
  • in the bad graces of
  • in the bad graces of (one)
  • it takes one bad apple to spoil the (whole) barrel
  • it takes one bad apple to spoil the (whole) bunch
  • it takes one bad apple to spoil the (whole) bushel
  • keep bad company
  • leave a bad taste in (one's) mouth
  • leave a bad taste in mouth
  • leave a bad taste in one's mouth
  • leave a bad taste in the mouth
  • leave a bad taste in your mouth
  • leave a bad/nasty taste in the/your mouth
  • leave a nasty taste in (one's) mouth
  • leave an impression
  • like a bad dream
  • look bad
  • make a good/bad/etc. fist of (something)
  • make an impression
  • make bad weather of it
  • make the best of a bad bargain
  • make the best of a bad job
  • make the best of a bad situation
  • make the best of it
  • make the best of something/things/a bad job
  • mea culpa
  • Moving three times is as bad as a fire
  • my bad
  • need (something) so bad (that) (one) can taste it
  • not (all) that good/bad/well/poor/etc.
  • not a bad sort
  • not as (something) as all that
  • not as bad, tall, etc. as all that
  • not bad
  • not half bad
  • not have a (kind of) bone in (one's) body
  • not so bad
  • not too bad
  • nothing so bad but (it) might have been worse
  • Nothing so bad but might have been worse
  • off on the wrong foot
  • off to a bad start
  • on bad terms
  • one bad apple spoils the (whole) barrel
  • one bad apple spoils the (whole) bunch
  • one bad apple spoils the (whole) bushel
  • Peck's bad boy
  • poor taste, in
  • put (someone) in a bad mood
  • put down as bad
  • rotten egg
  • run of luck
  • set a precedent
  • set an example
  • so (something) it isn't true
  • so bad (that) (one) can taste it
  • so bad one can taste it
  • so bad, stupid, etc. it isn't true
  • streak of bad luck
  • take the bad with the good
  • that's too bad
  • the best of a bad bunch/lot
  • the breaks
  • the good/bad old days
  • there is bad blood between
  • three moves are as bad as a fire
  • throw good money after bad
  • throw good money after bad, to
  • too bad
  • tough/bad luck
  • turn up
  • turn up like a bad penny
  • want (something) so bad (that) (one) can taste it
  • wicked bad
  • with bad grace
  • with good grace
  • with good/bad grace



/B-A-D/ Broken As Designed, a play on "working as designed",from IBM. Failing because of bad design and misfeaturesrather than because of bugs.



Drug slang
A regional term for crack cocaine.
An acronym (background, aggregates, debris) for the noncellular material that must be “gated out” in flow cytometry.
Molecular biology
A Bcl-2 related protein which can induce apoptosis; it selectively heterodimerises with Bcl-XL and Bcl-2, which displaces Bax from Bcl-XL, resulting in cell death.



BADBaden-Baden (German city, license plate prefix)
BADBlog Action Day
BADBig Audio Dynamite (band)
BADBanque Africaine de Developpement (AFDB)
BADBusiness Application Development
BADBipolar Affective Disorder
BADBritish Association of Dermatologists
BADBoxing After Dark (HBO TV)
BADBcl-2 Associated Death (protein)
BADBrisbane Art Design (Australia)
BADBroken as Designed
BADBroken As Designed :-)
BADBanque Asiatique de Développement (French: Asian Development Bank)
BADBusiness Affairs Division (various universities)
BADBikers Against Diabetes
BADBig Airship of Doom (Bloons Tower Defense 6)
BADBCL2 Antagonist of Cell Death
BADBase Ammunition Depot (US Army ordnance)
BADBachelier en Art Dramatique
BADBank Account Debits Tax (Australia)
BADBody Action Design (Garden City, NY)
BADBroadband Access Device (Sprint)
BADBureau of Alien Detectors (UPN cartoon)
BADBranch Atheromatous Disease
BADBalls Attitude Direction
BADBehind-Armor Debris
BADBuster, Adam, Donny (band)
BADBad Ass Divas
BADBiological Aerosol Detection
BADBald and Dangerous
BADBachelor of Applied Design (degree)
BADBathymetric Archive Data
BADBank Avalized Draft
BADBates After Dark
BADBay Area Dwarfs (scale vintage replica auto racing; California)


  • all
  • adj
  • noun
  • adv
  • phrase

Synonyms for bad

adj harmful


  • harmful
  • damaging
  • dangerous
  • disastrous
  • destructive
  • unhealthy
  • detrimental
  • hurtful
  • ruinous
  • deleterious
  • injurious
  • disadvantageous


  • good
  • sound
  • safe
  • beneficial
  • agreeable
  • wholesome
  • healthful

adj severe


  • severe
  • serious
  • terrible
  • acute
  • extreme
  • intense
  • painful
  • distressing
  • fierce
  • harsh

adj poor


  • poor
  • unwise
  • unsound

adj unfavourable


  • unfavourable
  • troubling
  • distressing
  • unfortunate
  • grim
  • discouraging
  • unpleasant
  • gloomy
  • adverse

adj inferior


  • inferior
  • poor
  • inadequate
  • pathetic
  • faulty
  • duff
  • unsatisfactory
  • mediocre
  • defective
  • second-class
  • deficient
  • imperfect
  • second-rate
  • shoddy
  • low-grade
  • erroneous
  • substandard
  • low-rent
  • two-bit
  • crappy
  • end-of-the-pier
  • poxy
  • dime-a-dozen
  • piss-poor
  • bush-league
  • tinhorn
  • half-pie
  • strictly for the birds


  • fair
  • adequate
  • satisfactory

adj incompetent


  • incompetent
  • poor
  • useless
  • crap
  • incapable
  • unfit
  • inexpert

adj severe


  • severe
  • hard
  • tough
  • harsh
  • grim
  • unpleasant

adj wicked


  • wicked
  • criminal
  • evil
  • corrupt
  • worthless
  • base
  • vile
  • immoral
  • delinquent
  • sinful
  • depraved
  • debased
  • amoral
  • egregious
  • villainous
  • unprincipled
  • iniquitous
  • nefarious
  • dissolute
  • maleficent


  • good
  • moral
  • ethical
  • righteous
  • virtuous
  • first-rate

adj naughty


  • naughty
  • defiant
  • perverse
  • wayward
  • mischievous
  • wicked
  • unruly
  • impish
  • undisciplined
  • roguish
  • disobedient


  • good
  • obedient
  • well-behaved
  • docile
  • biddable

adj foul


  • foul
  • irritable
  • grotty

adj guilty


  • guilty
  • sorry
  • ashamed
  • apologetic
  • rueful
  • sheepish
  • contrite
  • remorseful
  • regretful
  • shamefaced
  • conscience-stricken

adj injured


  • injured
  • damaged
  • diseased
  • hurt
  • sick
  • weak
  • disabled
  • ailing
  • lame
  • unhealthy
  • dicky

adj rotten


  • rotten
  • off
  • rank
  • sour
  • rancid
  • mouldy
  • fetid
  • putrid

adj offensive


  • offensive
  • nasty
  • insulting
  • disgusting
  • crude
  • rude
  • abusive
  • coarse
  • indecent
  • unsavoury
  • objectionable
  • uncouth
  • impolite
  • discourteous
  • indelicate
  • uncivil
  • indecorous

adj null and void


  • null and void
  • false
  • fake
  • bogus
  • worthless
  • dud
  • counterfeit
  • null
  • not binding
  • fallacious

phrase not bad


  • O.K. or okay
  • fine
  • middling
  • average
  • fair
  • all right
  • acceptable
  • moderate
  • adequate
  • respectable
  • satisfactory
  • so-so
  • tolerable
  • passable
  • fair to middling

phrase too bad: a shame


  • a shame
  • a crime
  • a pity
  • a sin
  • a crying shame
  • a bummer
  • a sad thing

phrase too bad: hard luck


  • hard luck
  • tough luck
  • hard cheese

Synonyms for bad

adj below a standard of quality


  • bum
  • poor
  • unsatisfactory

adj morally objectionable


  • black
  • evil
  • immoral
  • iniquitous
  • peccant
  • reprobate
  • sinful
  • vicious
  • wicked
  • wrong

adj misbehaving, often in a troublesome way


  • ill-behaved
  • naughty

adj not pleasant or agreeable


  • disagreeable
  • displeasing
  • offensive
  • uncongenial
  • unpleasant
  • unsympathetic
  • icky
  • yucky

adj bringing, predicting, or characterized by misfortune


  • evil
  • ill
  • inauspicious
  • unfavorable
  • unpropitious

adj impaired because of decay


  • putrid
  • rotten

adj causing harm or injury


  • deleterious
  • detrimental
  • evil
  • harmful
  • hurtful
  • ill
  • injurious
  • mischievous

noun whatever is destructive or harmful


  • badness
  • evil
  • ill

Synonyms for bad

noun that which is below standard or expectations as of ethics or decency


  • badness

Related Words

  • quality
  • unworthiness
  • undesirability
  • worse
  • evil
  • unsoundness
  • liability
  • inadvisability


  • goodness
  • good

adj having undesirable or negative qualities

Related Words

  • worst
  • worse
  • unfavorable
  • unfavourable
  • evil
  • disobedient


  • good

adj very intense


  • big

Related Words

  • intense

adj feeling physical discomfort or pain ('tough' is occasionally used colloquially for 'bad')


  • tough

Related Words

  • colloquialism
  • uncomfortable

adj (of foodstuffs) not in an edible or usable condition


  • spoiled
  • spoilt

Related Words

  • stale

adj feeling or expressing regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undone


  • regretful
  • sorry

Related Words

  • penitent
  • repentant

adj not capable of being collected


  • uncollectible

Related Words

  • invalid

adj below average in quality or performance

Related Words

  • inferior

adj nonstandard

Related Words

  • linguistics
  • colloquialism
  • nonstandard

adj not financially safe or secure


  • high-risk
  • speculative
  • risky

Related Words

  • unsound

adj physically unsound or diseased


  • unfit
  • unsound

Related Words

  • unhealthy

adj capable of harming

Related Words

  • harmful

adj characterized by wickedness or immorality

Related Words

  • evil

adj reproduced fraudulently


  • forged

Related Words

  • counterfeit
  • imitative

adj not working properly


  • defective

Related Words

  • malfunctioning
  • nonfunctional

adv with great intensity ('bad' is a nonstandard variant for 'badly')


  • badly

adv very much


  • badly




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