LECPLiberty Enabled Client Proxy
LECPLow Energy Charged Particle
LECPLaboratório de Ecologia e Conservação de Populações (Portuguese: Laboratory of Ecology and Conservation of Populations; Argentina)
LECPLeading Edge Computers Parkes (est. 1996; Australia)
LECPLegal English Certificate Program (Boston University; Boston, MA)
LECPLaw Enforcement Cooperation Program (Australian Federal Police)
LECPLund Early Childhood Program (Vermont)
LECPLiberty-Enabled Client Proxy
LECPLeather Export Promotion Council (Pakistan)
LECPLondon East Connexions Partnership (UK)
LECPLogistics Engineering Change Proposal
LECPLeadership Essentials Certificate Program (various organizations)
LECPLean Enterprise Certification Program (workshop)
LECPLamandau Ecosystem Conservation Partnership (EU)
LECPLactation Education and Consultant Program (Portland Community College; Portland, OR)
LECPLeading an Effective Concert of Prayer