MSW Fonts
MSW Fonts
A font is a set of type characters of a particular typeface design and size. Usually, each typeface (Times Roman, Arial, etc.) is made available in four variations: normal weight, bold, italic and bold italic. The default font in Word is Times New Roman, 10 point.Any of the available fonts may be selected as the default font. To do so, select Format/Font. Choose the preferred options and click Default. From now on until you change it, each time a new document is opened, the default font will be the one you just selected.
Change Fonts for Part of the Document
To change a portion of text within a document, highlight the text, and click the down arrow next to the Font Name on the Word toolbar. Scroll through the list and select another font. To save you time scrolling through the list, the font list puts your often-used fonts at the top. For example, if one of your fonts were Verdana, it can be selected from the top of the list instead of having to scroll down to the V's.
Change Font Size
To change font size, highlight the text to be changed, and click the down arrow next to the Font Size on the Word toolbar.