

单词 killing



K0059500 (kĭl′ĭng)n.1. The act or action of causing death, as of a person.2. A sudden large profit: made a killing on the stock market.adj.1. Causing or apt to cause death; fatal: a killing shot.2. Thoroughly exhausting: a killing pace.3. Informal Hilarious.
kill′ing·ly adv.


(ˈkɪlɪŋ) adj1. informal very tiring; exhausting: a killing pace. 2. informal extremely funny; hilarious3. causing death; fataln4. the act of causing death; slaying5. informal a sudden stroke of success, usually financial, as in speculations on the stock market (esp in the phrase make a killing) ˈkillingly adv


(ˈkɪl ɪŋ)

n. 1. the act of a person or thing that kills. 2. the total game killed on a hunt. 3. a quick and unusually large profit or financial gain. adj. 4. fatal or destructive. 5. exhausting: a killing pace. 6. Informal. irresistibly funny. [1400–50] kill′ing•ly, adv.


See also death.
acaricidea substance or preparation for killing mites or ticks.Aceldamaa place of bloodshed, so called after the field purchased by Judas with the bribe he received for betraying Christ.amicicideRare. 1. the murder of one friend by another.
2. the killer of a friend.
androphonomaniaa homicidal mania.avicidethe killing of birds.bactericidea substance for killing bacteria.decollationthe act of decapitation; beheading or being beheaded. — decoilator, n.defenestrationthe act of hurling from a window, especially people.euthanasia1. the act of putting to death without pain a person incurably ill or suffering great pain; mercy killing.
2. an easy, painless death. — euthanasic, adj.
felo-de-se1. the act of suicide.
2. a person who commits suicide.
fratricide1. the killing of one’s brother.
2. a person who has killed his brother. — fratricidal, adj.
fungicidea substance that kills fungi or retards the growth of spores.genocidethe killing of an entire people or of a very large number of a people. — genocidal, adj.germicideany substance for killing germs, especially bacteria. — germicidal, adj.giganticide1. the killing of a giant.
2. a person who kills giants.
hecatomb1. a sacrifice of one hundred oxen at one time, as in ancient Greece.
2. any slaughter on a large scale; a massacre.
herbicidea substance for killing unwanted plant growth.holocaust1. a burnt offering or sacrifice.
2. large-scale destruction by fire or other violent means.
homicide1. a general term for murder; the killing of another human being.
2. the murderer of another. — homicidal, adj.
homicidomaniaa mania for murder.immolationthe process of sacrificing, espeeially by flre. — immolator, n.infanticide1. the murder of infants.
2. a person who kills infants. — infanticidal, adj.
insecticidea substance used for killing insects. — insecticidal, adj.jugulationthe act of cutting a person’s throat. See also remedies.lapidationthe process or act of pelting with stones, sometimes as a form of execution.macropicidethe killing of kangaroos.mactationthe act of killing something for the purpose of sacrifice.mariticide1. the killing of one’s husband.
2. a person who has killed her husband. — mariticidal, adj.
matricide1. the killing of one’s mother.
2. a person who has killed his mother. — matricidal, adj.
microbicidea substance that kills microbes.miticidea substance for killing mites. — miticidal, adj.occisionObsolete, a killing or an act of killing.parricidism1. the murder of a parent or close relative.
2. one who has killed a parent or close relative. — parricidal, adj.
patricide1. the killing of one’s father.
2. a person who has killed his father. — patricidal, adj.
pesticideany chemical substance used for killing pests, as insects, weeds, etc.regicidismthe murder of a king. — regicide, n. — regicidal, adj.rodenticidea substance that kills rodents.scaphisma punishment in old Persia, in which criminals were imprisoned in a log or hollow tree. The head, arms, and legs of a victim were left exposed and smeared with honey to attract insects.sororicide1. the killing of one’s sister.
2. a person who has killed his sister. — sororicidal, adj.
spermicidea substance or preparation used for killing sperm, used in contraception. — spermicidal, adj.suicide1. the killing of oneself.
2. one who has killed himself. — suicidal, adj.
suttee1. the suicide of a Hindu widow by immolation on the funeral pyre of her husband.
2. a Hindu widow who died by suttee.
taeniacide, teniacidean agent or preparation for killing tapeworms. — taeniacidal, teniacidal, adj.tyrannicide1. the killing of a tyrant.
2. the killer of a tyrant. — tyrannicidal, adj.
uxoricide1. the killing of one’s wife.
2. a person who has killed his wife. — uxoricidal, adj.
vaticidethe killing of a prophet. — vaticidal, adj.


There are several words which mean similar things to kill.

To murder someone means to kill them deliberately.

...the body of a murdered religious and political leader.

Assassinate is used to talk about the murder of an important person, often for political reasons.

The plot to assassinate Martin Luther King.

If a large number of people are murdered, the words slaughter or massacre are sometimes used.

Thirty four people were slaughtered while queuing up to cast their votes.300 civilians are believed to have been massacred by the rebels.

Slaughter can also be used to talk about killing animals for their meat.

Chicken farms are having to slaughter their stock.
Noun1.killing - an event that causes someone to diekilling - an event that causes someone to dieviolent deathfatality, human death - a death resulting from an accident or a disaster; "a decrease in the number of automobile fatalities"
2.killing - the act of terminating a lifekilling - the act of terminating a life kill, putting to deathending, termination, conclusion - the act of ending something; "the termination of the agreement"coup de grace, deathblow - the blow that kills (usually mercifully)death - the act of killing; "he had two deaths on his conscience"euthanasia, mercy killing - the act of killing someone painlessly (especially someone suffering from an incurable illness)homicide - the killing of a human being by another human beingdespatch, dispatch - killing a person or animalfell - the act of felling something (as a tree)self-annihilation, self-destruction, suicide - the act of killing yourself; "it is a crime to commit suicide"slaughter - the killing of animals (as for food)poisoning - the act of giving poison to a person or animal with the intent to killsuffocation, asphyxiation - killing by depriving of oxygenritual killing, sacrifice - the act of killing (an animal or person) in order to propitiate a deityelectrocution - killing by electric shockbeheading, decapitation - killing by cutting off the headgenocide, race murder, racial extermination - systematic killing of a racial or cultural group
3.killing - a very large profitcleanupcolloquialism - a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speechnet income, net profit, profit, profits, earnings, lucre, net - the excess of revenues over outlays in a given period of time (including depreciation and other non-cash expenses)
Adj.1.killing - very funny; "a killing joke"; "sidesplitting antics"sidesplittingcolloquialism - a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speechhumorous, humourous - full of or characterized by humor; "humorous stories"; "humorous cartoons"; "in a humorous vein"


noun1. murder, massacre, slaughter, execution, dispatch, manslaughter, elimination, slaying, homicide, bloodshed, carnage, fatality, liquidation, extermination, annihilation, eradication, butchery, necktie party (informal) This is a brutal killing.adjective1. (Informal) tiring, hard, testing, taxing, difficult, draining, exhausting, punishing, crippling, fatiguing, gruelling, sapping, debilitating, strenuous, arduous, laborious, enervating, backbreaking He covered the last 300 metres in around 41sec, a killing pace.2. deadly, deathly, dangerous, fatal, destructive, lethal, mortal, murderous, death-dealing Diphtheria was a killing disease.make a killing (Informal) profit, gain, clean up (informal), be lucky, be successful, make a fortune, strike it rich (informal), make a bomb (slang), rake it in (informal), had a windfall They have made a killing on the deal.


nounThe crime of murdering someone:blood, homicide, murder.Slang: hit.adjectiveInformal. Extremely funny:hilarious, priceless, sidesplitting.Informal: rich.


kill the clock

In sports, to protect a lead by using up as much possible time that remains in a game or match without giving the opposing team a chance to score, generally by maintaining a passive or defensive strategy. With just a narrow two-point lead, the home team is trying to kill the clock to hold out for a win. I don't know, Jim, there's a lot of game time left for them to start killing the clock.See also: clock, kill

kill (one)self

1. To commit suicide. Once John realized he had begun to have thoughts of killing himself, he decided to seek help.2. To bring about one's death by performing a particular action. This phrase can be said when one's life is or could be in danger, but it is often used figuratively. I can hardly breathe—I'm going to kill myself if I go back on the treadmill right now! If they try driving home in this snow, they'll kill themselves—tell them to get a hotel room for the night.3. To overexert oneself. Don't kill yourself trying to get the report done tonight—it's not due until next week anyway.See also: kill

kill two birds with one stone

To complete, achieve, or take care of two tasks at the same time or with a singular series of actions; to solve two problems with one action or solution. I might as well kill two birds with one stone and drop off my tax forms while I'm at the mall for the computer part I need. Bike-to-work schemes are a great way of killing two birds with one stone: getting more exercise while cutting down on the cost of your daily commute.See also: bird, kill, one, stone, two

kill the goose that lays the golden egg(s)

To ruin or destroy something that brings one wealth. Firing the programmer who created your most successful app is like killing the goose that lays the golden egg.See also: golden, goose, kill, lay, that

kill the fatted calf

To prepare a lavish celebration, often to welcome someone back from a long absence. The phrase comes from the Biblical parable of the prodigal son, in which a father prepares a feast for his son who has returned home after squandering his fortune. My daughter is coming home from college for the summer, so we're going to kill the fatted calf and have a huge barbecue.See also: calf, fat, kill

kill time

To engage in an activity, usually a rather aimless or idle one, with the goal of making time seem to pass more quickly or less slowly. I'm going to walk down to the bookstore to kill time before my flight. Do you want anything? It used to be that people killed time at the train station by talking to each other, but now everyone is nose-deep in their phone.See also: kill, time

kill (one) with kindness

To harm, inconvenience, or bother one by treating them with excessive favor or kindness. The phrase originated as the expression "kill with kindness as fond apes do their young," referring to the notion that such animals sometimes crushed their offspring by hugging them too hard. I love talking to Grandma, but she calls me twice a day to see how I'm doing—right now she's killing me with kindness.See also: kill, kindness

make a killing

To earn a large profit. We can make a killing on these toys if we're able to market them in time for the holidays. It's very rare for someone to make a killing on their first investment—it takes a lot of time and patience.See also: killing, make

kill (oneself) (doing something)

To overexert oneself or overextend one's effort while doing something. Don't kill yourself trying to get the report done tonight—it's not due until next week anyway. They're killing themselves finishing the last touches on the exterior of the house before the storm hits us.See also: kill

kill (oneself) laughing

To laugh hysterically and uncontrollably. The comedian had the whole audience killing themselves laughing. My ribs actually hurt from it! I was surprised by how funny my date was last night. I was killing myself laughing at some of her stories!See also: kill, laugh

kill off

1. To kill or eradicate someone or something in large numbers. A noun or pronoun can be used between "kill" and "off." Hey, we're only trying to kill off the weeds here—be careful around my flowers!2. To kill a character in a work of fiction. A noun or pronoun can be used between "kill" and "off." I can't believe they killed off my favorite character in the season finale.3. To end or remove something. A noun or pronoun can be used between "kill" and "off." We were supposed to go to the water park today, but the kids killed that off with their repeated temper tantrums. Can we do anything to kill off this smoky smell?See also: kill, off

(a body part) is killing (one)

A particular body part is causing one pain. Ugh, my head is killing me—do you have any Advil? Phil's back is killing him, so he went back to the hotel to lie down.See also: body, killing

go at something like a boy killing snakes

Rur. to do something with a great deal of energy. Once Mary decided to take that test, she went at her books like a boy killing snakes. I hired Joe to weed my garden, and he went at it like a boy killing snakes.See also: boy, go, killing, like, snake

kill (someone or an animal) off

to kill all of a group of people or creatures. Lefty set out to kill Max and his boys off. Something killed off all the dinosaurs.See also: kill, off

kill the fatted calf

Fig. to prepare an elaborate banquet (in someone's honor). (From the biblical story recounting the return of the prodigal son.) When Bob got back from college, his parents killed the fatted calf and threw a great party. Sorry this meal isn't much, John. We didn't have time to kill the fatted calf.See also: calf, fat, kill

kill time

Fig. to use something up, especially time. I killed time reading a novel. The employees were not encouraged to kill time.See also: kill, time

kill two birds with one stone

Fig. to solve two problems at one time with a single action. John learned the words to his part in the play while peeling potatoes. He was killing two birds with one stone. I have to cash a check and make a payment on my bank loan. I'll kill two birds with one stone by doing them both in one trip to the bank.See also: bird, kill, one, stone, two

make a killing

Fig. to have a great success, especially in making money. John has got a job selling insurance. He's not exactly making a killing. Bill made a killing at the racetrack yesterday.See also: killing, make

something is killing someone

Fig. something is causing someone pain. Wow, my feet are killing me!See also: killing

kill off

1. Render extinct, eliminate completely, as in The plague killed off entire villages and towns. [c. 1600] 2. Represent as dead, as in This mystery writer kills off a new victim in almost every chapter. [Mid-1800s] See also: kill, off

kill the fatted calf

Prepare for a joyful occasion or a warm welcome. For example, When Bill comes home from his trip to Korea we're going to kill the fatted calf. This expression alludes to the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32), whose father welcomed him by serving the choicest calf after his return. [Early 1600s] See also: calf, fat, kill

kill time

Pass time aimlessly. For example, There was nothing to do, so I sat around killing time until dinner was ready. This idiom was first recorded about 1768. See also: kill, time

kill two birds with one stone

Achieve two ends with a single effort, as in As long as I was in town on business, I thought I'd kill two birds and visit my uncle too . This expression is so well known that it is often shortened, as in the example. [c. 1600] See also: bird, kill, one, stone, two

make a killing

Enjoy a large and quick profit, as in They made a killing in real estate. This expression alludes to a hunter's success. [Slang; late 1800s] See also: killing, make

more than one way to skin a cat

More than one method to reach the same end, as in We can get around that by renting instead of buying a computer-there's more than one way to skin a cat . This expression may be an American version of the earlier British more ways of killing a cat, but why the death of a cat should be alluded to at all is not clear. [Second half of 1800s] See also: cat, more, one, skin, way

kill two birds with one stone

If you kill two birds with one stone, you manage to achieve two things at the same time. We can talk about Union Hill while I get this business over with. Kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. He had been on his way to the vegetable man's van, both to purchase some cucumbers for his mother and — to kill two birds with one stone — to seek out Mr Halloran.See also: bird, kill, one, stone, two

kill the fatted calf

If you kill the fatted calf, you do everything you can to welcome back a person who has been away for a period of time. He went away for year, and when he returned, his family didn't exactly kill the fatted calf. Note: This expression comes from the story of the prodigal son which is told by Jesus in the Bible (Luke 5:3-32). In this story, a young man returns home after wasting all the money his father has given him. However, his father is so pleased to see him that he celebrates his return by killing a calf and preparing a feast. See also: calf, fat, kill

make a killing

COMMON If someone makes a killing, they make a large profit very quickly and easily. The boss of Britain's top pizza company made a killing yesterday by selling off some of his shares. If there is uncertainty about future gold prices, you could be lucky and make a killing.See also: killing, make

kill the fatted calf

produce a lavish celebratory feast. The allusion is to the New Testament story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11–32), in which the forgiving father orders his best calf to be killed in order to provide a feast to celebrate the return of his wayward son. Fatted is an archaic form of the verb fat meaning ‘make or become fat’. Nowadays we use the forms fatten and fattened .See also: calf, fat, kill

kill time

do things to make time seem to pass more quickly and to avoid getting bored, especially while waiting for something.See also: kill, time

kill two birds with one stone

achieve two aims at once.See also: bird, kill, one, stone, two

make a killing

have a great financial success, especially on a stock exchange.See also: killing, make

ˌkill the fatted ˈcalf

welcome home somebody who has been away for a long time by having a big celebration: My brother’s coming home tomorrow, so I expect my parents will be killing the fatted calf for him.This is from a story in the Bible, in which a father arranges a special meal when his son returns to the family after a long time away. A fatted calf is a young cow that has been given extra food to make it fat.See also: calf, fat, kill

kill two birds with one ˈstone

manage to achieve two aims by doing one thing: If we have to go to Manchester for the meeting, then let’s visit Auntie Joan on the way there. We can kill two birds with one stone.See also: bird, kill, one, stone, two

ˌmake a ˈkilling

(informal) make a lot of money quickly: He was clever. He invested a lot of money in property. When prices went up, he made a killing. OPPOSITE: lose your shirtSee also: killing, make

kill off

v.1. To destroy some form of life in such large numbers that none is left: The poisonous chemicals have killed off the fish that once lived in this pond. The pesticides killed the crops off.2. To destroy or eliminate something, especially plans, ideas, or activities: Your insolent behavior has killed off any desire I might have had to help you. The disinfectant killed the odor off.See also: kill, off


n. a great financial success. Sally made a real killing in the stock market.

make a killing

tv. to make an enormous profit; to become an enormous success. I wanted to make a killing as a banker, but it didn’t work out. See also: killing, make

killing pace, a

An extremely fast or hectic rate. Originally referring to the breakneck speed of a horse or human being, leading to exhaustion, this expression was by the mid-nineteenth century being transferred to any human endeavor. “You can’t keep up the pace . . . it will kill you,” wrote Thackeray (Pendennis, 1850).See also: killing

the suspense is killing me

I can’t wait to learn the outcome. This hyperbole of impatience is a twentieth-century expression of an age-old idea. “Suspense in news is torture, speak them out,” wrote John Milton (Samson Agonistes, 1671). Jonathan Swift claimed, “It is a miserable thing to live in suspense; it is the life of a spider” (Thoughts on Various Subjects, 1714), and F. E. Smedley wrote, “Suspense, that toothache of the mind” (Frank Fairlegh, 1850).See also: killing, suspense

kill the fatted calf

To hold a celebration, usually a long-awaited homecoming. Luke 15:23 describes the return of the prodigal son as, “And bring here the fatted calf, and kill it; and let us eat, and be merry . . .” Although the guest of honor in the biblical parable was a wastrel whose father welcomed home, “to kill the fatted calf” can refer to a party for anyone whom the host is pleased to see.See also: calf, fat, kill



(dreams)If you are killing someone in your dreams, you are probably expressing hostile feelings. Consider this an opportunity to look at your negative feelings and decide what would be the best and the least destructive way to address them. If you are a witness to a killing, you may be reflecting on changes going on around you that you don’t particularly like.



Informal; an extremely large profit.




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