Killian operation

Kil·li·an op·er·a·tion

(kil'ē-ăn), a rarely used surgical procedure for frontal sinus disease in which the entire anterior wall of the frontal sinus is removed with curettage of the mucous membrane; the ethmoid cells are removed through an opening in the nasal process of the maxillary bone. The upper portion of the medial wall of the orbit is also removed.

Kil·li·an op·er·a·tion

(kil'ē-ăn op-ĕr-ā'shŭn) An operation for frontal sinus disease in which the entire anterior wall is removed and the mucous membrane is curetted away; the ethmoid cells are removed through an opening in the nasal process of the maxillary bone, and the upper portion of the medial wall of the orbit is removed as well.


Gustav, German laryngologist, 1860-1921. Killian antrum cannulaKillian bundle - Synonym(s): inferior constrictor muscle of pharynxKillian cannulaKillian elevatorKillian frontal sinus chiselKillian frontoethmoidectomy procedureKillian gougeKillian incisionKillian nasal speculumKillian operation - an operation for frontal sinus disease.Killian septal compression forcepsKillian septal elevatorKillian septal speculumKillian tonsil knifeKillian triangle - the triangular-shaped area of the cervical esophagus. Synonym(s): Laimer triangleKillian-Lynch suspension laryngoscope