Middle Fork State Fish & Wildlife Area
Middle Fork State Fish & Wildlife Area
Location:6 miles north of I-74, Oakwood exit.
Facilities:Class C, D, and equestrian camping facilities, multi-use trails (35miles), canoe access, picnic tables and rustic sanitary facilities,trap range, archery trail.
Activities:Camping, canoeing, fishing, hunting, hiking, horseback riding, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling.
Special Features:Area is bounded on the east by the Kennekuk Cove County Park and on thesouth by Illinois Power Company's Vermilion Station. The site is namedfor the Middle Fork branch of the Vermilion River. The Middle ForkRiver is considered by ecological experts to be one of the mostpristine in the state and is a designated National Wild and ScenicRiver.
Address:10906 Kickapoo Park Rd
Oakwood, IL 61858
Web: dnr.state.il.us/Lands/Landmgt/PARKS/R3/Middle.htm
Size: 2,700 acres.
See other parks in Illinois.