mechanical antidote


 [an´tĭ-dōt] an agent that counteracts a poison. adj., adj antido´tal.chemical antidote one that interacts with a poison and changes its chemical nature to form a harmless substance.mechanical antidote one that prevents absorption of the poison.physiologic antidote one that counteracts the effects of the poison by producing opposing effects.universal antidote a mixture formerly recommended as an antidote when the exact poison is not known. There is, in fact, no known universal antidote. charcoal" >Activated charcoal is now being used for many poisons.

me·chan·i·cal an·ti·dote

a substance that prevents the absorption of a poison.

me·chan·i·cal an·ti·dote

(mĕ-kan'i-kăl an'ti-dōt) A substance that prevents the absorption of a poison.