

单词 mec



(in South Africa) abbreviation for (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Member of the Executive Council



(Multi-access Edge Computing) Locating computing and storage functions closer to the end user. MEC used to mean "mobile edge computing" and generally refers to where processing occurs in the carrier's cellular network. To support real-time operations, MEC takes place between the cell towers (radio access network) and the core network. See edge computing, fog computing and RAN.



A gene on chromosome 5p12 that encodes a CC-type cytokine, which is characterised by two adjacent cysteines and, as with all cytokines, is involved in immunoregulatory and inflammatory processes. CCL28 binds CCR3 and CCR10, and is chemotactic for resting CD4 or CD8 T cells and eosinophils; it may play a role in the physiology of extracutaneous epithelia, including mucosal tissues.


MECMountain Equipment Co-Op
MECMinistério da Educação (Ministry of Education)
MECMinisterio de Educación y Ciencia (Spain: Ministry for Education and Science)
MECModel Energy Code
MECMinistério da Educação e Cultura (Brazilian Ministry Of Education)
MECMinimum Essential Coverage (insurance)
MECMinisterio de Educación Y Cultura (Spanish)
MECMobile Edge Computing (network architecture)
MECMedgar Evers College (City University of New York)
MECMedical Education Centre (various locations)
MECMirror's Edge Catalyst (various locations)
MECMiejska Energetyka Cieplna (Polish: Municipal District Heating)
MECMayville Engineering Company (reloading equipment; Mayville, WI)
MECMedical Education Committee (various schools)
MECMedia Expansion Card
MECMultichassis Etherchannel
MECMaster Electronic Corporation
MECMultiple Ethernet Cable
MECManagement Executive Committee (various organizations)
MECMember of the Executive Council
MECMathematics Education Collaborative (Ferndale, WA)
MECMunitions and Explosives of Concern
MECModified Endowment Contract
MECMinistry of Education and Culture
MECMagnolia Electric Co. (band)
MECMitsubishi Estate Company (Japan)
MECMiddle English Compendium
MECMulti-Chassis Etherchannel
MECMitsubishi Estate Co Ltd
MECMiddle-Eastern Coalition
MECMiddle East Chapter (various organizations)
MECMedia-Edge:CIA (US advertising agency)
MECMedical Education Collaborative
MECMiddle East Command (British Empire)
MECMan Engines & Components, Inc. (Pompano Beach, FL)
MECMidAmerican Energy Company
MECMichigan Environmental Council (Lansing, MI)
MECManufacturing Engineering Centre
MECManly Environment Centre (Australia)
MECMagna Entertainment Corporation
MECMicrocomputers in Education Conference
MECMarginal External Cost
MECMuseum Education Center (US Navy)
MECManagement Education Center
MECMetropolitan Educational Council (Ohio)
MECMercato Comune Europeo (Italian: European Economic Community
MECMidlands Energy Consortium (UK)
MECMicrosoft Exchange Conference
MECMendocino Environmental Center (Ukiah, CA)
MECModel Engineering Club (UK)
MECMid East Crisis (gaming)
MECMain Engine Control
MECMaster Events Controller
MECMedial Entorhinal Cortex (mammalian brain area)
MECManaging Enterprise Content (Ann Rockley book)
MECMassachusetts Electric Company
MECMechanical Equipment Center (McMurdo Station, Antarctica - USAP)
MECMinimum Explosive Concentration
MECMaterials Experiment Carrier (US NASA)
MECMaster Events Calendar (various organizations)
MECMarforpac Experimentation Center (US DoD)
MECMaryland Electronic Capital (Maryland State Archives)
MECMain Engine Controller
MECMeson Exchange Current
MECMaharishi Enlightenment Center (various locations)
MECMaine Central Railroad Company
MECMechatronics Education Center (Columbus, NE)
MECMedium Endurance Cutter (US Coast Guard)
MECMovimento Ecclesiale Carmelitano (Italian)
MECMarin Employment Connection (San Rafael, CA)
MECMitaka Evangelical Church (Tokyo, Japan)
MECMicrosoft Enterprise Cube
MECMedical Examiners Commission
MECMission Essential Competencies (US DoD)
MECMobile Equipment Console
MECMissouri Employer Committee
MECMohave Electric Cooperative, Inc.
MECMarine Evacuation Chute
MECMarine Energy Challenge
MECModular Equipment Controller
MECMonth End Closing
MECMarshalls Energy Company, Inc. (Marshall Islands)
MECMilitary Essentiality Code
MECMaritime Electric Company, Limited
MECMain Entry Catalogue (Canada)
MECMacro Expansion Counter
MECMiniature Embedded Converter
MECMaintenance/Metrology Engineering Center
MECMinimal Effective Plasma Concentration
MECMaster Executive Counsel
MECMulti Regional Ethics Committee (New Zealand Association of Clinical Research)
MECMutual Execution of Contract (real estate)
MECMain Element Contractor
MECMarquess Educational Consultants, Ltd. (London, England, UK)
MECMain Engine Cylinder
MECMessage Error Correction
MECModulated Estimate Correction
MECMain/Master Evaluation Center
MECMinimum Essential Communications
MECMorinaga Engineering Company (Japan)
MECMisión Educativa Cristiana (Guatemala)
MECMicrogravity Environment Compatibility
MECMechanical End Connector (pipeline connections)
MECMissile Event Conference
MECMaintenance Engineer Call
MECMercury Encrypted Communicator
MECMatra Enthusiasts Club (automobile club; UK)
MECMobile Embedded Computer
MECModel for Environmental Costs




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