Leber's hereditary optic atrophy

Leber's hereditary optic atrophy

A mitochondrial inherited bilateral condition, which appears suddenly in healthy people, primarily males, of about the age of 20 and results in a marked loss of vision and ultimately optic atrophy. A very small percentage of people recover some visual acuity in one or both eyes after the disease has run its course (Fig. L6). Syn. Leber's disease; Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy. See optic atrophy; inheritance; mito-chondrion.enlarge picture" >Fig. L6 Leber′s hereditary optic atrophy (From Kanski 2007, with permission of Butterworth-Heinemann)enlarge pictureFig. L6 Leber′s hereditary optic atrophy (From Kanski 2007, with permission of Butterworth-Heinemann)