

单词 bfp


backflow preventer

backflow preventer for a hose connection A device used to prevent water (or other liquids) from being siphoned into a potable water system.



Abbreviation for:
bound for pleasure (BDSM)


Biological false positive, see there.



n. slang for bona fide purchaser, which means someone who purchased something (e.g. a bond, a promissory note, or jewelry) with no reason to be suspicious that it was stolen, belonged to someone else, or was subject to another party's claim. The BFP must have paid a full and fair price and have received the item in the normal course of business, otherwise he/she might have some doubts ("wanta buy a watch, cheap?" from a character on a street corner). (See: bona fide purchaser)


Bona Fide Purchaser

The purchaser of a property who does not know the seller lacks the right to sell it. The bona fide purchaser, because he is unaware of competing claims to the property, is usually considered the proper owner. However, most of the time the owner with the true claim to the property may sue the seller. In any case, the bona fide purchaser is held harmless in the transaction.


See bona fide purchaser.


BFPBurlington Free Press
BFPBenjamin Franklin Plumbing (various locations)
BFPBlank Front Panel
BFPBureau of Fire Protection (Philippines)
BFPBarbados Free Press (political commentary blog)
BFPBund Freikirchlicher Pfingstgemeinden (Erzhausen, Bundesrepublik Deutschland)
BFPBona Fide Purchaser
BFPBritish Foreign Policy (UK)
BFPBid For Power (gaming)
BFPBody Fat Percentage
BFPBackflow Preventer
BFPBlue Fluorescent Protein
BFPBig Fat Positive (pregnancy testing)
BFPBoiler Feed Pump
BFPBundle-Forming Pilus
BFPBasic Formula Price
BFPBig Fat Pig
BFPBelgische Federatie van Psychologen (Dutch: Belgian Federation of Psychologists; Belgium)
BFPBelt Filter Press (wastewater treatment)
BFPBrute Force Protection (cybersecurity)
BFPBureau of Freelance Photographers (est. 1965; UK)
BFPBasic Fuel Price
BFPBack Focal Plane
BFPBattlefield Pirates (game)
BFPBrain Fitness Program
BFPBusiness Financial Publishing (est. 2001)
BFPBig Fighter Project (talent agency; Japan)
BFPBarclays Financial Planning (UK)
BFPBeaver Falls, Pennsylvania (Airport Code)
BFPBasement Factory Productions (Japan)
BFPBreaker Failure Protection
BFPBatters Faced by Pitcher (baseball)
BFPBiomass Feedstock Production (Illinois)
BFPBuoni Fruttiferi Postali (Italy)
BFPBrooks Fiber Properties, Inc.
BFPBiologie Fonctionnelle des Plantes (French: Functional Plant Biology)
BFPBig Finish Productions, Ltd (audio play producers)
BFPBois France Panneaux (French wood panel company)
BFPBudo for Peace
BFPBelgian Federal Police
BFPBiologically False Positivity
BFPBilingual Families Perth (Australia)
BFPBureaucracy of Future Potential
BFPBig FTEWA Picture
BFPBinocular Fixation Pattern (ophthalmology)
BFPBinary Feasibility Problem (integer programming mathematics, optimization)
BFPBackward-Forward Product
BFPBadger Fyre Protection (band)
BFPBusiness Focal Point
BFPBlue Force Picture
BFPBooster Fire Pump
BFPBit Failure Probability (computer processing)
BFPBoyfriend Pillow
BFPBarron Frédéric Paysage (French landscaping company)
BFPBell Financial Planning Co.
BFPBody Fluid Precaution (medical labels)
BFPBase Financial Plan
BFPBeacon Financial Planners LLC (Montvale, NJ)




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