Acronym | Definition |
MSTI➣Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (Denmark) |
MSTI➣Multispeed Self Timed Interface |
MSTI➣Mountain States Transmission Intertie (NorthWestern Energy; Butte, MT) |
MSTI➣Mediterranean Space of Technology and Innovation |
MSTI➣Main Science and Technology Indicators |
MSTI➣Miniature Sensor Technology Integration |
MSTI➣Middle School Technology Integration (Michigan) |
MSTI➣Miniature Seeker Technology Integration |
MSTI➣Mike Scioscia's Tragic Illness (blog) |
MSTI➣Miniature Space Technology Investigation |
MSTI➣Manual SVS/TRI-TAC Interface |
MSTI➣Moving Stationary Target Indicator |
MSTI➣Marlaw Systems Technology, Inc. |