

单词 middle ear

middle ear

middle ear

n. The space between the eardrum and the inner ear that contains the three auditory ossicles, which convey vibrations through the oval window to the cochlea. Also called tympanum.

middle ear

n (Anatomy) the sound-conducting part of the ear, containing the malleus, incus, and stapes

mid′dle ear′

n. the middle portion of the ear consisting of the eardrum and an air-filled chamber lined with mucous membrane that contains the malleus, incus, and stapes. [1885–90]

mid·dle ear

(mĭd′l) The part of the ear in most mammals that contains the eardrum and three small bones, called ossicles, which transmit sound vibrations from the eardrum to the inner ear. See more at ear1.

middle ear

An air-filled chamber between the outer ear and inner ear. It amplifies sound waves and transmits them to the inner ear. See ossicles, tympanic membrane.
Noun1.middle ear - the main cavity of the earmiddle ear - the main cavity of the ear; between the eardrum and the inner eartympanic cavity, tympanumbonelet, ossicle, ossiculum - a small bone; especially one in the middle earauditory apparatus - all of the components of the organ of hearing including the outer and middle and inner earsbodily cavity, cavum, cavity - (anatomy) a natural hollow or sinus within the bodyauditory tube, Eustachian tube - either of the paired tubes connecting the middle ears to the nasopharynx; equalizes air pressure on the two sides of the eardrummalleus, hammer - the ossicle attached to the eardrumincus, anvil - the ossicle between the malleus and the stapesstapes, stirrup - the stirrup-shaped ossicle that transmits sound from the incus to the cochlea

middle ear

middle ear

the sound-conducting part of the ear, containing the malleus, incus, and stapes

Middle Ear


in man and other terrestrial vertebrates, the part of the auditory system located between the external ear and the internal ear. The middle ear includes the air-filled tympanic cavity, which contains auditory ossicles and the auditory, or eusta-chian, tube. In man and some primates, it also includes mastoid cells. In most vertebrates, it is bounded on the outside by the tympanic membrane. The middle ear is separated from the internal ear by the cartilaginous or bony wall of the vestibule of the labyrinth. The auditory ossicles transmit sound vibrations from the tympanic membrane to the internal ear. In most animals, the middle ear is connected to the pharynx by the auditory tube. In many terrestrial vertebrates and especially in mammals it contains many additional structures that perform important acoustic functions. The middle ear is partly or completely reduced in many terrestrial and secondarily aquatic amphibians, in many mammals, and in some turtles and snakes.

middle ear

[′mid·əl ′ir] (anatomy) The middle portion of the ear in higher vertebrates; in mammals it contains three ossicles and is separated from the external ear by the tympanic membrane and from the inner ear by the oval and round windows.

middle ear

middle ear

The middle of the three parts of the ear, consisting of an air-filled cavity bound externally by the tympanic membrane and containing three ossicles that vibrate in response to sound waves, passing the amplified sound to the inner ear at the round window.

tym·pan·ic cav·i·ty

(tim-pan'ik kav'i-tē) [TA] An air chamber in the temporal bone containing the ossicles; it is lined with mucous membrane and is continuous with the auditory tube anteriorly and the tympanic antrum and mastoid air cells posteriorly.


Abbreviation for estimated average requirement.


(ēr) [TA] The organ of hearing: composed of the external ear, which includes the auricle and the external acoustic, or auditory, meatus; the middle ear, or the tympanic cavity with its ossicles; and the internal ear or inner ear, or labyrinth, which includes the semicircular canals, vestibule, and cochlea.
See also: auricle
Synonym(s): auris [TA] .

middle ear

The narrow cleft within the temporal bone lying between the inside of the ear drum and the outer wall of the inner ear. The middle ear is lined with mucous membrane, contains the chain of three auditory OSSICLES and is drained into the back of the nose by the EUSTACHIAN TUBE. It is a common site of infection, which gains access by way of the tube. Middle ear infection is called OTITIS MEDIA. Also known as the tympanic cavity.

middle ear

see EAR.

Middle ear

The cavity or space between the eardrum and the inner ear. It includes the eardrum, the three little bones (hammer, anvil, and stirrup) that transmit sound to the inner ear, and the eustachian tube, which connects the inner ear to the nasopharynx (the back of the nose).Mentioned in: Cochlear Implants, Hearing Aids, Myringotomy and Ear Tubes


Abbreviation for estimated average requirement.


(ēr) [TA] Organ of hearing and equilibrium, composed of external ear,, consisting of auricle, external acoustic meatus, and tympanic membrane; middle ear,, or tympanic cavity, with its auditory ossicles and associated muscles; and internal ear,, the vestibulocochlear organ, which includes the bony labyrinth (of semicircular canals, vestibule, and cochlea), and vestibular and cochlear labyrinths.
Synonym(s): auris.

middle ear

Related to middle ear: outer ear, inner ear, Middle ear infection
  • noun

Synonyms for middle ear

noun the main cavity of the ear


  • tympanic cavity
  • tympanum

Related Words

  • bonelet
  • ossicle
  • ossiculum
  • auditory apparatus
  • bodily cavity
  • cavum
  • cavity
  • auditory tube
  • Eustachian tube
  • malleus
  • hammer
  • incus
  • anvil
  • stapes
  • stirrup




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