释义 |
mallear folds mal·le·ar folds [TA] two ligamentous bands, anterior and posterior, creating folds on the tympanic side of the tympanic membrane extending from each extremity of the tympanic notch to the malleolar prominence; they mark the boundary between the tense and the flaccid portions of the tympanic membrane. Synonym(s): plicae malleares (anterior et posterior) [TA], plica membranae tympanimal·le·ar folds (mal'ē-ăr fōldz) [TA] Two ligamentous bands, anterior and posterior, making folds on the tympanic side of the tympanic membrane extending from each extremity of the tympanic notch to the malleolar prominence; they mark the boundary between the tense and the flaccid portions of the tympanic membrane. |