NTRNitro (Nintendo DS codename)
NTRNon Tax Revenue (various locations)
NTRNormal Trade Relations (international economic term; Most Favored Nation, MFN)
NTRNew to Range
NTRNational Trail Raceway (Ohio)
NTRNon-Traditional Revenue
NTRNational Toll Roads (Ireland)
NTRNuclear Thermal Rocket
NTRNeed to Run (manufacturing facilities)
NTRNothing To Report
NTRNetwork for Translational Research (various locations; cancer research)
NTRNet Transmit & Receive (technology company; Spain)
NTRNetwork Traffic Redirection
NTRNational Trauma Registry (Canada)
NTRNouvelles Télé-Radio
NTRNational Toxics Rule
NTRNetwork Time Reference
NTRNon-Transportation-Related (facilities)
NTRNormal Tariff Rate (India)
NTRNandamuri Taraka Ramarao (Indian celebrity)
NTRNetorare (Japanese: Cuckold)
NTRNandamuri Taraka Ramarao (actor)
NTRNetworks that Run, Inc. (Malden, MA)
NTRNarrow Therapeutic Range
NTRNet Time Reference
NTRNotice To Reader
NTRNuclear Test Reactor
NTRNavy Technical Representative
NTRNoise-Temperature Ratio
NTRNine Thousand Remote
NTRNon-Tactical Radio
NTRNational Transport Rotocraft
NTRNo Traffic Reported
NTRNormal Tax Rate (economics)