Müller, Hermann

Müller, Hermann

(hĕr`män mül`ər), 1876–1931, German statesman. A Social Democrat, he succeeded in 1919 to the post of German foreign minister and signed the Treaty of Versailles. He was chancellor in 1920 and again from 1928 to 1930. During the second tenure Germany accepted the Kellogg-Briand PactKellogg-Briand Pact
, agreement, signed Aug. 27, 1928, condemning "recourse to war for the solution of international controversies." It is more properly known as the Pact of Paris. In June, 1927, Aristide Briand, foreign minister of France, proposed to the U.S.
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 and the Young PlanYoung Plan,
program for settlement of German reparations debts after World War I. It was presented by the committee headed (1929–30) by Owen D. Young. After the Dawes Plan was put into operation (1924), it became apparent that Germany could not meet the huge annual
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. Largely because of the diplomatic efforts of Müller's foreign minister, Gustav StresemannStresemann, Gustav
, 1878–1929, German statesman. A founder (1902) and director (until 1918) of the Association of Saxon Industrialists, Stresemann entered the Reichstag in 1907 as a deputy of the National Liberal party and represented the interests of big business.
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, the occupation of the Rhineland was ended in 1929. Müller's cabinet was the last parliamentary government of the Weimar Republic. He was succeeded by Heinrich BrüningBrüning, Heinrich
, 1885–1970, German chancellor. Elected to the Reichstag in 1924, he was a leader of the Catholic Center party and a fiscal expert. In 1930 he was appointed chancellor of the Reich to put German finances in order.
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