Modified AGI

Modified Adjusted Gross Income

In the United States, the amount of income used to determine how much of a taxpayer's IRA contributions are tax deductible. One calculates the modified AGI by taking the adjusted gross income and adding back various deductions, notably interest on student loans, foreign income deductions, foreign housing deductions, and higher education costs. Depending on the modified AGI, some or all of one's IRA contributions will not be deductible.

Modified AGI (MAGI)

Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) is a figure used to figure the limit on an exclusion or deduction allowed in computing adjusted gross income. Depending on the item for which MAGI is being computed, certain items taken into account in figuring adjusted gross income (AGI) are ignored. For example, for child tax credit purposes, MAGI is AGI plus any excluded foreign, U.S. possession, or Puerto Rican income. The IRS provides a worksheet for figuring MAGI whenever you are required to compute it.