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ophthalmopathy Translations
ophthalmopathy [of″thal-mop´ah-the] any disease of the eye.infiltrative ophthalmopathy ocular changes, most often seen in thyroid disorders, caused by increased water content of the orbital contents, including discomfort, lacrimation, edema, chemosis, and conjunctival infection; if the changes are severe, exophthalmos results.oph·thal·mop·a·thy (of'thal-mop'ă-thē), Any disease of the eyes. Synonym(s): oculopathy [ophthalmo- + G. pathos, suffering] oph·thal·mop·a·thy (of'thăl-mop'ă-thē) Any disease of the eyes. [ophthalmo- + G. pathos, suffering]ophthalmopathy Any eye disease. External ophthalmopathy refers to any disease of the conjunctiva, cornea, eyelids or the appendages of the eye. Internal ophthalmopathy refers to any disease of the lens, retina or other internal structures of the eye.oph·thal·mop·a·thy (of'thăl-mop'ă-thē) Any ocular disease. [ophthalmo- + G. pathos, suffering] |