alternating hemiplegia

al·ter·nat·ing hem·i·ple·gi·a

unilateral cranial nerve paresis caused by lesion of brain stem with contralateral cranial nerve palsies. Synonym(s): crossed hemiplegia, crossed paralysis

alternating hemiplegia

Pediatric neurology A rare condition defined by an early onset–≤ 18 months of age, repeated attacks of hemiplegia involving both sides of the body, oculomotor abnormalities during the attack, autonomic disturbances, and mental and neurologic defects EEG Usually normal; some ↑ slow wave activity Management Possibly flunarazine

al·ter·nat·ing hem·i·ple·gi·a

(awltĕr-nāt-ing hemē-plējē-ă) Unilateral cranial nerve paresis caused by lesion of brainstem with contralateral cranial nerve palsies.