Nonspecific Ulcerative Colitis
Colitis, Nonspecific Ulcerative
a chronic inflammatory disease of the colon and rectum with involvement of the intestinal mucosa and submucosa and ulcer formation.
Stress, aberrant immune reactions, and increased pathogenicity of the intestinal flora are contributing factors in the development of the disease. The inflammation may spread over the entire mucosa of the large intestine or may affect only some of its segments. The symptoms of the disease depend on the extent of the inflammation. Diarrhea (with blood, mucus, and pus in the stools), abdominal pain, high temperature, and severe intoxication are characteristic of the acute stage of the disease. Possible complications include bleeding, perforation of the intestine, and development of peritonitis. When the condition is chronic, acute manifestations alternate with periods of remission. In the event of substantial involvement of the intestine, the disease follows an uninterrupted course with a moderate degree of disturbance of the intestinal functions and alteration of the protein, vitamin, and water-salt exchange.
Treatment includes the use of antibacterials and measures designed to strengthen the body’s defenses (such as fractional blood transfusion) as well as local treatment of the intestine to improve epithelization (for example, by means of enemas with cod-liver oil). Surgery is indicated in some cases—both in the acute stage of the disease and when the condition is chronic.
Iukhvidova, Zh. M., and M. Kh. Levitan. Nespetsificheskii iazvennyi kolit. Moscow, 1969.V. B. ALEKSANDROV