

单词 long


long 1

L0238200 (lông, lŏng)adj. long·er, long·est 1. a. Extending or traveling a relatively great distance.b. Having relatively great height; tall.c. Having the greater length of two or the greatest length of several: the long edge of the door.2. Of relatively great duration: a long time.3. Of a specified linear extent or duration: a mile long; an hour long.4. Made up of many members or items: a long shopping list.5. a. Extending beyond an average or standard: a long game.b. Extending or landing beyond a given boundary, limit, or goal: Her first serve was long.6. Tediously protracted; lengthy: a long speech.7. Concerned with distant issues; far-reaching: took a long view of the geopolitical issues.8. Involving substantial chance; risky: long odds.9. Having an abundance or excess of: "politicians whose résumés are long on competence" (Margaret Garrard Warner).10. Having a holding of a commodity or security in expectation of a rise in price: long on soybeans.11. a. Linguistics Having a comparatively great duration. Used of a vowel or consonant.b. Grammar Relating to or being the English speech sounds (ā, ē, ī, ō, o͞o) that are tense vowels or diphthongs.12. Being of relatively great duration. Used of a syllable in quantitative prosody.adv. longer, longest 1. During or for an extended period of time: The promotion was long due.2. At or to a considerable distance; far: She walked long past the end of the trail.3. Beyond a given boundary, limit, or goal: hit the return long.4. For or throughout a specified period: They talked all night long.5. At a point of time distant from that referred to: That event took place long before we were born.6. Into or in a long position, as of a commodity market.n.1. A long time: This won't take long.2. Linguistics A long syllable, vowel, or consonant.3. One who acquires holdings in a security or commodity in expectation of a rise in price.4. a. A garment size for a tall person.b. longs Trousers extending to the feet or ankles.Idioms: any longer For more time: can't wait any longer. before long Soon. long ago1. At a time or during a period well before the present: I read that book long ago.2. A time well before the present: heroes of long ago. long in the tooth Growing old. no longer Not now as formerly: He no longer smokes. not long for Unlikely to remain for much more time in: not long for this world. the long and the short of it The substance or gist: You can look on the front page of the paper for the long and the short of it.
[Middle English, from Old English lang; see del- in Indo-European roots.]

long 2

L0238200 (lông, lŏng)intr.v. longed, long·ing, longs To have an earnest, heartfelt desire, especially for something beyond reach.
[Middle English longen, from Old English langian; see del- in Indo-European roots.]


(lɒŋ) adj1. having relatively great extent in space on a horizontal plane2. having relatively great duration in time3. a. (postpositive) of a specified number of units in extent or duration: three hours long. b. (in combination): a two-foot-long line. 4. having or consisting of a relatively large number of items or parts: a long list. 5. having greater than the average or expected range: a long memory. 6. being the longer or longest of alternatives: the long way to the bank. 7. having more than the average or usual quantity, extent, or duration: a long match. 8. seeming to occupy a greater time than is really so: she spent a long afternoon waiting in the departure lounge. 9. intense or thorough (esp in the phrase a long look)10. (Brewing) (of drinks) containing a large quantity of nonalcoholic beverage11. (of a garment) reaching to the wearer's ankles12. informal (foll by on) plentifully supplied or endowed (with): long on good ideas. 13. (Phonetics & Phonology) phonetics (of a speech sound, esp a vowel)a. of relatively considerable durationb. classified as long, as distinguished from the quality of other vowelsc. (in popular usage) denoting the qualities of the five English vowels in such words as mate, mete, mite, moat, moot, and mute14. from end to end; lengthwise15. unlikely to win, happen, succeed, etc: a long chance. 16. (Poetry) prosody a. denoting a vowel of relatively great duration or (esp in classical verse) followed by more than one consonantb. denoting a syllable containing such a vowelc. (in verse that is not quantitative) carrying the emphasis or ictus17. (Banking & Finance) finance having or characterized by large holdings of securities or commodities in anticipation of rising prices: a long position. 18. (Cricket) cricket (of a fielding position) near the boundary: long leg. 19. informal (of people) tall and slender20. in the long run See run8221. long in the tooth informal old or ageingadv22. for a certain time or period: how long will it last?. 23. for or during an extensive period of time: long into the next year. 24. at a distant time; quite a bit of time: long before I met you; long ago. 25. (Banking & Finance) finance into a position with more security or commodity holdings than are required by sale contracts and therefore dependent on rising prices for profit: to go long. 26. as long as so long as a. for or during just the length of time thatb. inasmuch as; sincec. provided that; if27. no longer not any more; formerly but not nown28. a long time (esp in the phrase for long)29. a relatively long thing, such as a signal in Morse code30. (Clothing & Fashion) a clothing size for tall people, esp in trousers31. (Phonetics & Phonology) phonetics a long vowel or syllable32. (Banking & Finance) finance a person with large holdings of a security or commodity in expectation of a rise in its price; bull33. (Music, other) music a note common in medieval music but now obsolete, having the time value of two breves34. before long soon35. the long and the short of it the essential points or facts[Old English lang; related to Old High German lang, Old Norse langr, Latin longus]


(lɒŋ) vb (intr; foll by for or an infinitive) to have a strong desire[Old English langian; related to long1]


(lɒŋ) vb (intr) archaic to belong, appertain, or be appropriate[Old English langian to belong, from gelang at hand, belonging to; compare along]


abbreviation for (Navigation) longitude


(lɒŋ) n (Biography) Crawford Williamson. 1815–78, US surgeon. He was the first to use ether as an anaesthetic


(lɔŋ, lɒŋ)

adj. long•er (ˈlɔŋ gər, ˈlɒŋ-)
long•est (ˈlɔŋ gɪst, ˈlɒŋ-)

n., adv. adj. 1. having considerable or greater than usual linear extent in space. 2. having considerable or greater than usual duration in time. 3. extending, lasting, or totaling a number of specified units: eight miles long; eight hours long. 4. containing many items or units: a long list. 5. requiring a considerable time to relate, read, etc.: a long story. 6. extending beyond normal, moderate, or desired limits: to work long hours; The sleeves are long on me. 7. experienced as passing slowly, as because of tedium. 8. reaching well into the past: a long memory. 9. the longer of two or the longest of several: the long way home. 10. taking a long time; slow: to be long in getting here. 11. forward-looking or considering all aspects; broad: to take a long view. 12. intense, thorough, or critical; seriously appraising: a long look at one's mistakes. 13. having an ample supply or endowment (often fol. by on): long on brains. 14. extending relatively far: a long reach. 15. being higher or taller than usual. 16. being against great odds; unlikely: a long chance. 17. (esp. of an alcoholic drink) mixed or diluted with a large amount of soda or the like. 18. a. (of a speech sound) lasting a relatively long time. b. having the sound of the English vowels in mate, meet, mite, mote, moot, and mute, historically descended from vowels that were long in duration. Compare short (def. 13). 19. a. (of a syllable in quantitative verse) lasting a longer time than a short syllable. b. stressed. 20. having a considerable time to run, as a promissory note. 21. holding or accumulating securities or commodities in the expectation that prices will rise: a long position in hog futures. 22. marked by a large difference in the numbers of a given betting ratio or in the amounts wagered: long odds. n. 23. a comparatively long time: They haven't been gone for long. 24. a long sound or syllable. 25. a. a size of garments for men who are taller than average. b. a garment in this size. adv. 26. for or through a great extent of space or, esp., time: a reform long advocated. 27. for or throughout a specified extent, esp. of time: How long did he stay? 28. (used elliptically in referring to the length of an absence, delay, etc.): Will she be long? 29. throughout a specified period of time: all summer long. 30. at a point of time far distant from the time indicated: long before. Idioms: 1. as long as, a. provided that. b. seeing that; since: As long as you're going, I'll go too. c. Also, so long as. during the time that; while. 2. before long, soon. [before 900; Middle English longe, Old English lang, long, c. Old Frisian, Old Saxon lang, long, Old High German lang, Old Norse langr, Gothic laggs, Latin longus]


(lɔŋ, lɒŋ)

v.i. to have an earnest or strong desire or craving; yearn: to long for spring. [before 900; Middle English; Old English langian to grow longer, yearn after, summon; see long1] syn: See yearn.


(lɔŋ, lɒŋ)

n. 1. Crawford Williamson, 1815–78, U.S. surgeon: first to use ether as an anesthetic. 2. Huey Pierce, 1893–1935, U.S. politician.


1. used to talk about length

You use long when you are talking about the length of something.

The pool is ninety feet long by twenty feet wide.How long is that side of the triangle?
2. talking about distance

You use a long way to talk about the distance from one place to another. You say, for example, 'It's a long way from here to Birmingham'.

I'm a long way from London.

Be Careful!
Don't say 'It's long from here to Birmingham' or 'I'm long from London'.

In negative sentences, you use far. You say, for example, 'It's not far from here to Birmingham'.

We rented a villa not far from the beach.

You also use far in questions. You say, for example, 'How far is it from here to Birmingham?'

How far is Tokyo from here?

Be Careful!
Don't use 'long' in negative sentences and questions like these.

When you are talking about the extent of a journey, you use as far as, not 'as long as'. You say, for example, 'We walked as far as the church'.

We went with Harold as far as Bologna.
3. used to talk about time

In a negative sentence or a question, you can use long as an adverb to mean 'a long time'.

Wilkins hasn't been with us long.Are you staying long?

You can also use long to mean 'a long time' after too or in front of enough.

He's been here too long.You've been here long enough to know what we're like.

However, don't use 'long' with this meaning in any other kind of positive sentence. Instead use a long time.

We may be here a long time.It may seem a long time to wait.

The comparative and superlative forms longer and longest can be used with this meaning in any kind of positive sentence.

Reform in Europe always takes longer than expected.The study found that people who walk a lot live longest.
4. 'no longer'

When something that happened in the past does not happen now, you can say that it no longer happens or that it does not happen any longer.

The factory no longer builds cars.I noticed that he wasn't sitting by the door any longer.


Past participle: longed
Gerund: longing
I long
you long
he/she/it longs
we long
you long
they long
I longed
you longed
he/she/it longed
we longed
you longed
they longed
Present Continuous
I am longing
you are longing
he/she/it is longing
we are longing
you are longing
they are longing
Present Perfect
I have longed
you have longed
he/she/it has longed
we have longed
you have longed
they have longed
Past Continuous
I was longing
you were longing
he/she/it was longing
we were longing
you were longing
they were longing
Past Perfect
I had longed
you had longed
he/she/it had longed
we had longed
you had longed
they had longed
I will long
you will long
he/she/it will long
we will long
you will long
they will long
Future Perfect
I will have longed
you will have longed
he/she/it will have longed
we will have longed
you will have longed
they will have longed
Future Continuous
I will be longing
you will be longing
he/she/it will be longing
we will be longing
you will be longing
they will be longing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been longing
you have been longing
he/she/it has been longing
we have been longing
you have been longing
they have been longing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been longing
you will have been longing
he/she/it will have been longing
we will have been longing
you will have been longing
they will have been longing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been longing
you had been longing
he/she/it had been longing
we had been longing
you had been longing
they had been longing
I would long
you would long
he/she/it would long
we would long
you would long
they would long
Past Conditional
I would have longed
you would have longed
he/she/it would have longed
we would have longed
you would have longed
they would have longed
Verb1.long - desire strongly or persistentlyhanker, yearnpine, yen, yearn, ache, languish - have a desire for something or someone who is not present; "She ached for a cigarette"; "I am pining for my lover"desire, want - feel or have a desire for; want strongly; "I want to go home now"; "I want my own room"
Adj.1.long - primarily temporal sense; being or indicating a relatively great or greater than average duration or passage of time or a duration as specified; "a long life"; "a long boring speech"; "a long time"; "a long friendship"; "a long game"; "long ago"; "an hour long"short - primarily temporal sense; indicating or being or seeming to be limited in duration; "a short life"; "a short flight"; "a short holiday"; "a short story"; "only a few short months"
2.long - primarily spatial sense; of relatively great or greater than average spatial extension or extension as specified; "a long road"; "a long distance"; "contained many long words"; "ten miles long"short - (primarily spatial sense) having little length or lacking in length; "short skirts"; "short hair"; "the board was a foot short"; "a short toss"
3.long - of relatively great height; "a race of long gaunt men"- Sherwood Anderson; "looked out the long French windows"tall - great in vertical dimension; high in stature; "tall people"; "tall buildings"; "tall trees"; "tall ships"
4.long - good at remembering; "a retentive mind"; "tenacious memory"recollective, retentive, tenaciousmindful, aware - bearing in mind; attentive to; "ever mindful of her health"; "mindful of his responsibilities"; "mindful of these criticisms, I shall attempt to justify my action"
5.long - holding securities or commodities in expectation of a rise in prices; "is long on coffee"; "a long position in gold"finance - the branch of economics that studies the management of money and other assetsshort - not holding securities or commodities that one sells in expectation of a fall in prices; "a short sale"; "short in cotton"
6.long - (of speech sounds or syllables) of relatively long duration; "the English vowel sounds in `bate', `beat', `bite', `boat', `boot' are long"phonetics - the branch of acoustics concerned with speech processes including its production and perception and acoustic analysisshort - of speech sounds or syllables of relatively short duration; "the English vowel sounds in `pat', `pet', `pit', `pot', putt' are short"
7.long - involving substantial risk; "long odds"unsound - not sound financially; "unsound banking practices"
8.long - planning prudently for the future; "large goals that required farsighted policies"; "took a long view of the geopolitical issues"foresighted, foresightful, prospicient, longsighted, farseeing, farsightedprovident - providing carefully for the future; "wild squirrels are provident"; "a provident father plans for his children's education"
9.long - having or being more than normal or necessary:"long on brains"; "in long supply"abundant - present in great quantity; "an abundant supply of water"
Adv.1.long - for an extended time or at a distant time; "a promotion long overdue"; "something long hoped for"; "his name has long been forgotten"; "talked all night long"; "how long will you be gone?"; "arrived long before he was expected"; "it is long after your bedtime"
2.long - for an extended distance


1adjective1. elongated, extended, stretched, expanded, extensive, lengthy, far-reaching, spread out Her legs were long and thin.
elongated little, small, short, contracted, compressed
2. prolonged, slow, dragging, sustained, lengthy, lingering, protracted, interminable, spun out, long-drawn-out This is a long film, three hours and seven minutes.
prolonged short, quick, brief, short-lived, momentary, abbreviated, abridged


2verb desire, want, wish, burn, dream of, pine, hunger, ache, lust, crave, yearn, covet, itch, hanker, set your heart on, eat your heart out over He longed for the good old days.

long 1

nounA long time:eon, eternity, year (used in plural).Informal: age (used in plural), blue moon.Idioms: forever and a day, forever and ever, month of Sundays.adjective1. Having great physical length:elongate, elongated, extended, lengthy, prolonged.2. Having a rather great upward projection:high, tall.3. Having many syllables:polysyllabic, sesquipedal, sesquipedalian.4. Extending tediously beyond a standard duration:dragging, drawn-out, lengthy, long-drawn-out, overlong, prolonged, protracted.

long 2

verbTo have a strong longing for:ache, covet, desire, hanker, pant, pine, want, wish, yearn.Informal: hone.


(loŋ) adjective1. measuring a great distance from one end to the other. a long journey; a long road; long legs. 長的(指長度) 长的(指长度) 2. having a great period of time from the first moment to the last. The book took a long time to read; a long conversation; a long delay. 長久的 长久的3. measuring a certain amount in distance or time. The wire is two centimetres long; The television programme was just over an hour long. 長的(指距離或時間) 长的(指距离或时间) 4. away, doing or using something etc for a great period of time. Will you be long? 很久的,漫長的 很久的,漫长的 5. reaching to a great distance in space or time. She has a long memory 遙遠的,悠久的 遥远的,悠久的 adverb1. a great period of time. This happened long before you were born. 久遠 久远2. for a great period of time. Have you been waiting long? 很久 很久,超过一般长度地 ˈlongways adverb in the direction of the length. The planks had to go into the lorry longways. 縱長地 纵长地ˌlong-ˈdistance adjectivelong-distance races; a long-distance lorry-driver; a long-distance telephone call. 長途的 长途的ˌlong-drawn-ˈout adjective taking a needlessly long time. long-drawn-out discussions. 拖長的 长期的ˈlonghand noun ordinary writing as opposed to shorthand. 普通書寫(相對於速寫) 普通书写法(相对于速记或打字) long house in tribal societies, a long rectangular dwelling shared by several families, especially in south-east Asia and amongst North American Indians. 長屋(尤指東南亞和北美原住民部落的) 长形房屋long jump a sports contest in which people jump as far as possible. 跳遠 跳远long-playing record (usually abbreviated to LP) a record which plays for a long time. 慢轉密紋唱片 慢转密纹唱片ˌlong-ˈrange adjective1. able to reach a great distance. long-range rockets. 遠程的 远程的2. taking into consideration a long period of time. a long-range weather forecast. 長期的 长期的ˌlong-ˈsighted adjective having difficulty in seeing close objects clearly. 遠視的 远视的ˌlong-ˈsightedness noun 遠視 远视ˌlong-ˈsuffering adjective patiently enduring a great deal of trouble. 長期忍受苦難的 长期忍受苦难的ˌlong-ˈwinded adjective (of a speaker or his speech) tiresomely long. 冗長的 冗长的as long as / so long as1. provided only that. As/So long as you're happy, it doesn't matter what you do. 只要 只要2. while; during the time that. As long as he's here I'll have more work to do. 在…期間 在…期间before (very) long soon. Come in and wait – he'll be here before long! 不久 不久以后in the long run in the end. We thought we would save money, but in the long run our spending was about the same as usual. 終究 最后the long and the short of it the whole story in a few words. 總而言之 总的意思no longer not now as in the past. This cinema is no longer used. 不再 不再so long! goodbye!. 再見 再见


(loŋ) verb (often with for) to wish very much. He longed to go home; I am longing for a drink. 渴望 渴望ˈlonging noun a great desire or wish for something. She looked at the cakes with longing. 渴望 渴望ˈlongingly adverbShe looked longingly at the chocolate. 渴望地 渴望地


渴望zhCN, 长期地zhCN, 长的zhCN
  • It's quite a long way (US)
    It's quite far (UK) → 离这儿很远
  • How long will it take to get there? → 到那儿需要多长时间?
  • How long will it take to get to ...? → 去...需要多长时间?
  • How long will it take? → 需要多长时间?
  • We've been waiting for a very long time → 我们已经等很久了
  • Will it be a long time? (US)
    Will it be long? (UK) → 需要等很久吗?


  • (as) happy as a clam in butter sauce
  • (as) happy as Larry
  • (as) happy as the day is long
  • (as) honest as the day is long
  • (one's) long home
  • a creaking door hangs longest
  • a face as long as a fiddle
  • a list as long as your arm
  • a long dozen
  • a long face
  • a long face, to wear/draw/pull
  • a long haul
  • a long leash
  • a long row to hoe
  • a long shot
  • a week is a long time in politics
  • ain’t long enough
  • ain't long enough
  • all day long
  • all night long
  • Art is long and life is short
  • as long as
  • as long as (one's) arm
  • as long as your arm
  • as the day is long
  • as/so long as
  • at (long) last
  • at last
  • at long last
  • be a long shot
  • be as honest as the day is long
  • be in (something) for the long haul
  • be in something for the long haul
  • be long in the tooth
  • be not long for this world
  • before long
  • by a long chalk
  • by a long shot
  • cast a long shadow
  • come a long way
  • creaking door hangs longest
  • draw out
  • for (so) long
  • for long
  • for the long haul
  • for the short/medium/long term
  • go a long way
  • go a long way in (doing something)
  • go a long way toward
  • go a long way toward (something)
  • go a long way toward doing
  • go a long/some way towards doing something
  • go back a long way
  • go far
  • happy as a clam at high tide
  • happy as the day is long
  • happy as the day is long/as a clam/as Larry
  • have a long memory
  • have a long way to go
  • have come a long way
  • haven't seen you in a long time
  • he laughs longest who laughs last
  • he lives long who lives well
  • he who laughs last laughs longest
  • He who laughs last, laughs longest
  • He who sups with the devil should have a long spoon
  • honest as the day is long
  • How long is a piece of string?
  • in the long haul
  • in the long run
  • in the long/medium/short term
  • in the short/medium/long term
  • it is a long lane that has no turning
  • It'll be a long day in January
  • it's a long story
  • it's as broad as it is long
  • it's as broad as it's long
  • kick (something) into the long grass
  • kick something into the long grass
  • king is dead, long live the king, the
  • Kings have long arms
  • list as long as (one's) arm
  • little pitchers have long ears
  • long about
  • long absent, soon forgotten
  • long ago
  • long and short of it, the
  • long and the short of it
  • long and the short of it/the matter, the
  • long arm
  • long arm of the law
  • long arm of the law, the
  • long as your arm
  • long bread
  • long dozen
  • long drink
  • long drink of water
  • long face
  • long finger
  • long for
  • long for (someone or something)
  • long game
  • long gone
  • long green
  • long haul
  • long home
  • long hours
  • long in the tooth
  • long knife
  • long leash
  • long memory
  • long on (something) and short on (something else)
  • long on one thing and short on another
  • long pig
  • long pork
  • long run
  • long shot
  • long shot, (not by) a
  • long shot, a
  • long since
  • long story short
  • long suit
  • long suit, one's
  • long time
  • long time no see
  • long time, no hear
  • longest way round is the shortest way home
  • long-playing record
  • long-run
  • long-tall-Sally
  • long-winded
  • make a long arm for (something)
  • make a long story short
  • make a long story short, to
  • merry as a cricket
  • merry as the day is long
  • night of the long knives
  • not (one's) long suit
  • not be long for this world
  • not by a long chalk
  • not by a long shot
  • not long for
  • not long for this world
  • not your long suit
  • old sins cast long shadows
  • old sins have long shadows
  • on the long finger
  • over the long haul
  • over the long term
  • put (something) on the long finger
  • put something on the long finger
  • short on (something) (and long on something else)
  • Short reckonings make long friends
  • so long
  • so long as
  • take a long look at something
  • Take a long walk off a short pier
  • take a long walk on a short pier
  • take a long, hard look at (something)
  • take the long count
  • take the long view
  • the king is dead, long live the king!
  • the long and (the) short of it
  • the long and short of it
  • the long and the short of it
  • the long arm of coincidence
  • the long arm of the law
  • the long tail
  • the longest pole knocks the persimmon
  • the longest way round is the shortest way home
  • the short and the long of it
  • they that live longest see most
  • think long and hard
  • to cut a long story short
  • to make a long story short
  • too long; didn't read
  • tough/hard/long row to hoe, a
  • will go a long way
  • yap, yap, yapping all day long
See long
See long



 [long] Crawford Williamson (1815– 1878). American physician, born at Danielsville, Georgia, who in 1842 administered ether to a patient before removing a neck tumor, the first recorded use of an anesthetic in surgery.


(long), John H., U.S. physician, 1856-1927. See: Long coefficient, Long formula.

Patient discussion about Long

Q. how long should rehab be? if someone has been alcoholic for only a few months, how long should rehab take?A. i'm not an expert but i had the chance to work with drug addicted. from what i know it really depends on the patient. You can be an addict for 12 years or 12 months- you need to go threw phases in order to go on. some time you move a phase very quickly and sometimes you get stuck in one phase…

Q. How long does Viagra's effect last? My Husband got Viagra from his Doctor and wants to start taking it. How long does the effect last?A. Here is a link to a video that answers your question:

Q. Are long flights dangerous? I'm flying next week to my vacation, and the flight is going to be rather long (almost 16 hours non-stop). Several years ago, my 75 years-old aunt had blood clot in her lung after a flight of similar length. I also heard that during flight the blood in the legs clots and that it can cause after that problems with the lungs and breathing.Does this mean it's dangerous for me to fly? Should I change my ticket to shorter connection flights?A. Do other relatives of yours have blood clotting problems too, like your aunt? You should tell a doctor about the problem your aunt had and ask if it's genetic.

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One who has bought a contract to establish a market position and who has not yet closed out this position through an offsetting sale; the opposite of short.

Long Position

The ownership of a security or derivative, or the state of having bought one or the other. A long position brings with it the right to coupon payments or dividends attached to the security or derivative. Informally, one who owns 100 shares of a stock is said to be "long 100 of the stock." Likewise, an investor who has bought (or holds) an option is said to be "long the option" because he/she has the right to exercise the option at a later date. See also: Short position, Close a position.


See long position.


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See LG


Related to long: long division
  • all
  • adj
  • verb
  • noun

Synonyms for long

adj elongated


  • elongated
  • extended
  • stretched
  • expanded
  • extensive
  • lengthy
  • far-reaching
  • spread out


  • little
  • small
  • short
  • contracted
  • compressed

adj prolonged


  • prolonged
  • slow
  • dragging
  • sustained
  • lengthy
  • lingering
  • protracted
  • interminable
  • spun out
  • long-drawn-out


  • short
  • quick
  • brief
  • short-lived
  • momentary
  • abbreviated
  • abridged

verb desire


  • desire
  • want
  • wish
  • burn
  • dream of
  • pine
  • hunger
  • ache
  • lust
  • crave
  • yearn
  • covet
  • itch
  • hanker
  • set your heart on
  • eat your heart out over

Synonyms for long

noun a long time


  • eon
  • eternity
  • year
  • age
  • blue moon

adj having great physical length


  • elongate
  • elongated
  • extended
  • lengthy
  • prolonged

adj having a rather great upward projection


  • high
  • tall

adj having many syllables


  • polysyllabic
  • sesquipedal
  • sesquipedalian

adj extending tediously beyond a standard duration


  • dragging
  • drawn-out
  • lengthy
  • long-drawn-out
  • overlong
  • prolonged
  • protracted

verb to have a strong longing for


  • ache
  • covet
  • desire
  • hanker
  • pant
  • pine
  • want
  • wish
  • yearn
  • hone

Synonyms for long

verb desire strongly or persistently


  • hanker
  • yearn

Related Words

  • pine
  • yen
  • yearn
  • ache
  • languish
  • desire
  • want

adj primarily temporal sense


  • short

adj primarily spatial sense


  • short

adj of relatively great height

Related Words

  • tall

adj good at remembering


  • recollective
  • retentive
  • tenacious

Related Words

  • mindful
  • aware

adj holding securities or commodities in expectation of a rise in prices

Related Words

  • finance


  • short

adj (of speech sounds or syllables) of relatively long duration

Related Words

  • phonetics


  • short

adj involving substantial risk

Related Words

  • unsound

adj planning prudently for the future


  • foresighted
  • foresightful
  • prospicient
  • longsighted
  • farseeing
  • farsighted

Related Words

  • provident

adj having or being more than normal or necessary:"long on brains"

Related Words

  • abundant




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