Acronym | Definition |
MSM➣Men who have Sex with Men (health/medical) |
MSM➣Mainstream Media |
MSM➣Master of Science in Management (academic degree) |
MSM➣Methylsulfonylmethane |
MSM➣My Singing Monsters (gaming) |
MSM➣Master of Strategic Management (various schools) |
MSM➣Mobile Station Modem (Qualcomm) |
MSM➣Medical Science Monitor (journal) |
MSM➣Muscat Securities Market (Oman) |
MSM➣Mario Sports Mix (gaming) |
MSM➣Morehouse School of Medicine |
MSM➣Manhattan School of Music |
MSM➣Mercator School of Management (Germany) |
MSM➣Magnetic Shape Memory (physics) |
MSM➣Merchandising, Sales and Marketing |
MSM➣Microsoft Media |
MSM➣Mobile Staff Management |
MSM➣Microsoft Merge Modules |
MSM➣Mobile Station Modem |
MSM➣Meta Script Master |
MSM➣Metal Semiconductor Metal |
MSM➣Media Session Manager |
MSM➣Multiservices Storage Manager |
MSM➣Memory Stick Micro |
MSM➣Multi Shelf Management |
MSM➣Multi Segment Model |
MSM➣Multilayer Switch Module |
MSM➣Media Support Module |
MSM➣Micro Station Modeler |
MSM➣Micro Station Manager |
MSM➣Mitsubishi Steel Manufacturing (Japan) |
MSM➣Metal-Semiconductor-Metal (photodetector) |
MSM➣Mobile Suit (Marine; Gundam gaming) |
MSM➣Meritorious Service Medal |
MSM➣Magnetic and Superconducting Materials (conference) |
MSM➣Miami Sound Machine (band) |
MSM➣MegaRAID Storage Management (various companies) |
MSM➣Middle School Matters (education) |
MSM➣Mobile Software Management |
MSM➣Monthly Survey of Manufacturing (Statistics Canada) |
MSM➣Morning Star Music |
MSM➣Men Seeking Men |
MSM➣Multi-Site Management (software) |
MSM➣Mechanically Separated Meat |
MSM➣Militant Socialist Movement (Mauritius) |
MSM➣Modern Stress Mangement (various organizations) |
MSM➣Merit School of Music (Chicago, IL) |
MSM➣Married Single Mom |
MSM➣Masters of Science in Management |
MSM➣Minnesota Science Museum (St. Paul, MN) |
MSM➣Missouri School of Mines |
MSM➣Mirror, Signal, Manoeuvre |
MSM➣Multilayer Switch Module (Cisco) |
MSM➣Microsoft Solutions for Management |
MSM➣Mexican Silver Mines Ltd. (Canada) |
MSM➣MSM Security Services Inc. |
MSM➣My Sainted Mother |
MSM➣Marine Safety Manual |
MSM➣Memory Seat Module (General Motors) |
MSM➣Master of Science in Marketing |
MSM➣Miami Science Museum |
MSM➣Mid-State Machine (various companies) |
MSM➣Minimal Standard Model |
MSM➣Multi-Layer Stream Mapping |
MSM➣Multiservice Module (Anymedia) |
MSM➣Management Switch Fabric Module (Extreme Networks) |
MSM➣Microwave Switch Matrix (satellites) |
MSM➣master-slave manipulator |
MSM➣Morning Star Mine (Mojave National Preserve) |
MSM➣Mass Storage Module (IBM) |
MSM➣Manned Support Module (US NASA) |
MSM➣Mobile SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) and Maintenance |
MSM➣Marché Suisse des Machines |
MSM➣Multiple Subcarrier Modulation |
MSM➣Minesweeper, River |
MSM➣Memory-Space-Memory |
MSM➣Mazda Speed Miata |
MSM➣Message Stream Modification |
MSM➣Methodist Student Movement |
MSM➣Military Service Medal |
MSM➣Mission Space Model |
MSM➣Management/Switching Module |
MSM➣Mode Select Mechanism |
MSM➣Madras and Southern Maratha (railroad) |
MSM➣Multiple Space-Mapping |
MSM➣Mahavir Spinning Mills Ltd |
MSM➣Mid-Span Meet |
MSM➣Mount Saint Mary's College and Seminary |
MSM➣Master of Security Management |
MSM➣Mount Saint Mary's School (Delhi, India) |
MSM➣Mission Services Manager |
MSM➣Marketing Strategies Management |
MSM➣Mid-Systolic Murmur |
MSM➣Movimiento de los Sin Miedo (Bolivia, Movement Without Fear) |
MSM➣Major System Mode |
MSM➣Move & Store Material |
MSM➣Motion Sensor Monitor |
MSM➣Matrix Switch Module |
MSM➣Maintenance Support Material |
MSM➣Minimum Science Mission |
MSM➣Munition Service Magazine |
MSM➣Master in Services Management |
MSM➣Maritime Safety Management |
MSM➣Master Structure Management |
MSM➣Muscle Stangs of Miami (automobile club; Florida) |
MSM➣Maktab Sains Mara |
MSM➣McAfee System Management |
MSM➣Maintenance Service Module |
MSM➣Multiple Session Menu |
MSM➣Marketing and Solutions Management (Sabre Airline Solutions; Southlake, TX) |