


N0051600 (nĭ-gō′shē-āt′)v. ne·go·ti·at·ed, ne·go·ti·at·ing, ne·go·ti·ates v.intr. To confer with another or others in order to come to terms or reach an agreement: "It is difficult to negotiate where neither will trust" (Samuel Johnson) To arrange or settle by discussion and mutual agreement: negotiate a contract.2. To transfer (an instrument, such as a promissory note) to another party by means of endorsement.3. a. To succeed in going over or through: negotiate a sharp curve.b. To succeed in accomplishing or managing: negotiate a difficult musical passage.
[Latin negōtiārī, negōtiāt-, to transact business, from negōtium, business : neg-, not; see ne in Indo-European roots + ōtium, leisure.]
ne·go′ti·a′tor·go′tia·to′ry (-shə-tôr′ē, -shē-ə-) adj.


(nɪˈɡəʊʃɪətərɪ) adjof or pertaining to negotiation