

(mēnz′tĕst′)v. means-test·ed, means-test·ing, means-tests 1. To apply a means test to or require a means test for (a governmental program, for example).2. To subject to a means test: The board means-tests all applicants for rent control.


vb (tr) 1. (Social Welfare) to subject (a person) to a means test2. (Social Welfare) to make (a benefit) dependent on income

means′ test`

n. an investigation into a person's finances to determine eligibility for public assistance. [1925–30]


v.t. 1. to subject (a person or a specific benefit) to a means test: The government proposes to means-test Medicare. v.i. 2. to perform a means test: fair and responsible means-testing. [1960–65]