Khydyr Allanurovich Allanurov

Allanurov, Khydyr Allanurovich


Born Nov. 7, 1922, in Kizyl-Arvat, Turkmen SSR. Soviet conductor. People’s Artist of the USSR (1977).

In 1948, Allanurov graduated from the national music division of the Moscow Conservatory, where he had studied conducting under V. S. Smirnov. From 1948 to 1972 he was a conductor at the Turkmen Theater of Opera and Ballet, where he became principal conductor in 1976. He has conducted numerous performances, including Tchaikovsky’s ballet Swan Lake (1953) and such operas as Tchaikovsky’s The Queen of Spades (1958), Bizet’s Carmen (1954), Meitus and Kuliev’s Abadan (1950), Shaposhnikov and Mukhatov’s Zokhre and Takhir (1952), Shaposhnikov and Ovezov’s Aina (1957), Iudakov’s The Escapades of Maisara (1960), and Meitus’ Makhtumkuli (1963). Allanurov has been awarded two orders.