male erectile disorder


 [māl] an individual of the sex that produces spermatozoa.male erectile disorder the psychiatric term for psychogenic impotence; a sexual dysfunction involving failure by a male to attain or maintain erection until completion of sexual relations causing significant distress or interpersonal difficulty. See also female sexual arousal disorder.male orgasmic disorder persistently delayed or absent orgasm in a man after a normal sexual excitement phase that is adequate in focus, intensity, and duration. The most common form involves inability to achieve orgasm during intercourse although it can be achieved by manual or oral stimulation. See also female orgasmic disorder.

male erectile disorder

The persistent or recurrent inability to attain, or to maintain until completion of the sexual activity, an adequate erection. The disturbance causes marked distress or interpersonal difficulty. The difficulty cannot be attributed to a medical condition, substance abuse, or medications. See: erectile dysfunction; female sexual arousal disorder