Acronym | Definition |
MSI➣Medium-Scale Integration (digital/electrical engineering) |
MSI➣Micro-Star International |
MSI➣Microsoft Installer (file extension) |
MSI➣Management Systems International (Washington, DC) |
MSI➣Mid-Season Invitational (gaming contest) |
MSI➣Mindless Self Indulgence (band) |
MSI➣Marketing Science Institute |
MSI➣Movimento Sociale Italiano (Italian political party) |
MSI➣Microsatellite Instability |
MSI➣Museum of Science and Industry (Chicago, IL) |
MSI➣Measurement Specialties, Inc. (various companies) |
MSI➣Mass Spectrometry Imaging |
MSI➣Maruti Suzuki India (car manufacturer) |
MSI➣Medical Supply, Inc. (various locations) |
MSI➣Marie Stopes International (London, UK) |
MSI➣Musculoskeletal Injury |
MSI➣Magister Sains (Indonesian: Master of Science) |
MSI➣Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance (various insurances) |
MSI➣Management Software, Inc. (various locations) |
MSI➣Multiple Streams of Income |
MSI➣Mechanical Services, Inc. (various locations) |
MSI➣Months Supply of Inventory (real estate) |
MSI➣Measurement Systems Inc. (Ultra Electronics; Wallingford, CT) |
MSI➣Molecular Simulations, Inc. (various locations) |
MSI➣Municipal Sustainability Initiative (Canada) |
MSI➣Minority-Serving Institution |
MSI➣Micro Star International |
MSI➣Microprocessor Slave Interface |
MSI➣Medium Scale Integration |
MSI➣Message Stream Interface |
MSI➣Mobile Station Identifier |
MSI➣Machine Sequence Imaging |
MSI➣Message Service Interface |
MSI➣Mobilized Software Initiative |
MSI➣Message Signaled Interrupt |
MSI➣Mobile Services Initiative |
MSI➣Microsoft System Installer |
MSI➣Mechanical Solutions, Inc. (Whippany, NJ) |
MSI➣Multispectral Imager |
MSI➣Management Services Inc |
MSI➣Multi-Spectral Imagery (US DoD) |
MSI➣Multi-Systems, Inc. |
MSI➣Magnetic Source Imaging |
MSI➣Medical Services International (various organizations) |
MSI➣Market Strategies International (Livonia, MI) |
MSI➣Message Signaled Interrupt (PCI) |
MSI➣Maritime Safety Information |
MSI➣Multi-Stakeholder Initiative |
MSI➣Manufacturing Systems, Inc. (various locations) |
MSI➣Micro Systems, Inc. |
MSI➣Mix Speakers, Inc. (Japanese rock band) |
MSI➣Millennium Software, Inc. (various locations) |
MSI➣Master of Science in Information |
MSI➣Monetary Services Index |
MSI➣Media Sports Investments (London, UK) |
MSI➣Mine Subsidence Insurance (various locations) |
MSI➣Mustang Software, Inc. |
MSI➣Media Sales Institute (program) |
MSI➣Medicine Shoppe International, Inc. (Cardinal Health; various locations) |
MSI➣Microbial Sciences Initiative (Harvard University; Boston, MA) |
MSI➣Microstrategy Inc. |
MSI➣Morneau Sobeco Income (Canada) |
MSI➣Medicare Supplemental Insurance |
MSI➣Multi-Source Integration (electronic signatures) |
MSI➣Messe Stuttgart International (Germany) |
MSI➣Middle School Initiative (various locations) |
MSI➣Media Sciences International (ink toner manufacture) |
MSI➣Mindless Self Indulgance (band) |
MSI➣Member of the Securities Institute |
MSI➣Mutual Service Casualty Insurance Co. |
MSI➣Management Simulations, Inc. |
MSI➣Metapath Software International |
MSI➣Morning Star Institute (Washington, DC) |
MSI➣Mechanical and Structural Inspection |
MSI➣Mass Storage Interface |
MSI➣Multi Sensor Integration |
MSI➣Marine Systems Inc. (Kirby Corporation) |
MSI➣Marine Systems International (New Brunswick, Canada) |
MSI➣Mental Sciences Institute (University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston) |
MSI➣Management Science Institute |
MSI➣Magna Services Inc. |
MSI➣Medium Scale Industries |
MSI➣Thousand Square Inches (area unit) |
MSI➣Maintenance Significant Item |
MSI➣Mass Spectrometry Instruments Ltd. (UK) |
MSI➣Minesweeper, Inshore |
MSI➣Mascaro Sustainability Initiative (University of Pittsburgh; Pennsylvania) |
MSI➣Modified Surf Index |
MSI➣Manufacturers Sales Incentive (automobile sales) |
MSI➣Multi-Simulator Interface |
MSI➣Manufacturing Support Item |
MSI➣Missão para a Sociedade da Informação (Portugal) |
MSI➣More Stupid Initials (band) |
MSI➣Monolithic Spiral Inductor (microwave technology) |
MSI➣Missile Sentencing Inspection |
MSI➣Manufacturer Specific Information |
MSI➣Metropolitan Steel, Inc. (Lansing, IL) |
MSI➣Mobilized Systems Inc. |
MSI➣Multi-Source, Inc. |
MSI➣Main Street Initiatives (Pottstown, PA) |
MSI➣Military Science I (first-year ROTC cadet) |
MSI➣Motor Sports International |
MSI➣Morpho-Semantic Indexing |
MSI➣Marketing, Strategy and Innovation (The Coca-Cola Company) |
MSI➣Mission Store Interface |
MSI➣Military Skills Instructor |
MSI➣Maximum Symbol Inversion |
MSI➣Maintenance Staff Instruction |
MSI➣Major Service Interruption |
MSI➣Member Satisfaction Index (various organizations) |
MSI➣Market Statistics, Inc. |
MSI➣Multisystem Integration |
MSI➣Maryland Sheriffs' Institute |
MSI➣Military Standard Item |
MSI➣Man-System Interface |
MSI➣Mustang Supply, Inc. |
MSI➣Maintenance Standard Instructions |
MSI➣Makiling School, Inc (Laguna, Philippines) |
MSI➣Microprocessor Serial Interface |
MSI➣Master of Strategic Intelligence (degree) |
MSI➣Main Synthetic Intelligence (gaming) |
MSI➣Mouse Subinoculation |
MSI➣Merit Salary Increment |
MSI➣Mass Sensors, Inc (St. Louis, MO) |
MSI➣MoreStudios, Inc. (marketing and design firm) |
MSI➣Missile System Interface |
MSI➣Military Service Indicator |
MSI➣McDermott Shipbuilding, Inc. |
MSI➣Maximum Security Installation |
MSI➣Multispectral Scan Imaging |
MSI➣Management Support Item |
MSI➣Multisensor/Multisource Interaction |
MSI➣Munitions Storage Igloo |
MSI➣Material Strength Index |
MSI➣Multisignal Interconnect |
MSI➣Missionary Sisters of Immaculate |
MSI➣Market Strategy Implementation |
MSI➣Manpower Standard Implementation (US DoD) |