Khristo Nikolov Gandev

Gandev, Khristo Nikolov


Born Dec. 25, 1907, in Turnovo. Bulgarian historian; member of the Bulgarian Communist Party since 1945.

Gandev graduated from the University of Sofia and specialized at the University of Prague, where he received his doctorate in 1935. In 1946 he became a professor of the University of Sofia; in 1958, director of the Institute of Ethnography and of the museum of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. He is a specialist in the recent history of Bulgaria.


Faktori na bulgarskoto vuzrazhdene 1600-1830. Sofia, 1943.
Vasil Levski: Politicheski idei i revoliutsionna deinost. [Sofia, 1946.]
Aprilskoto vustanie: Istoricheski ocherk. Sofia, 1956.
Zarazhdane na kapitalisticheskite otnosheniia v chiflishkoto stopanstvo na severozapadna Bulgariia prez XVIII vek. Sofia, 1962.