Khristoforov, Aleksandr Khristoforovich
Khristoforov, Aleksandr Khristoforovich
Born Sept. 9 (21), 1838, in the village of Grishino, Tsivil’sk District, Kazan Province, in what is now the Chuvash ASSR; died Dec. 18, 1913, in Clarens, Switzerland. Russian revolutionary and publicist.
Khristoforov was expelled from the University of Kazan in 1861 for taking part in student demonstrations. In 1862 in Saratov he organized a revolutionary circle, which was closely associated first with Land and Liberty and later with the Ishutin circle. He conducted propaganda among students, workers, and the intelligentsia. Khristoforov was exiled to Shenkursk in 1864, and he emigrated in 1875. Between 1877 and 1890, Khristoforov edited the newspaper Obshchee delo, maintained ties with the revolutionary Narodniki (Populists) and the organization Liberation of Labor, and helped publish the journal Osvobozhdenie.