Khmelnitskii, Timofei Bogdanovich

Khmel’nitskii, Timofei Bogdanovich


(also Timosh B. Khmel’nitskii). Born circa 1632; died Sept. 15 (25), 1653, in Su-ceava, in what is now Rumania. Participant in the War for the Liberation of the Ukrainian People (1648–54). Eldest son of B. Khmel’nitskii.

In the spring of 1648, T. B. Khmel’nitskii was left as a hostage with the Crimean khan, with whom his father was negotiating an alliance against Poland. In the same year, Khmel’nitskii became sotnik of Chigirin—that is, commander of the Chigirin sotnia, or military and administrative-territorial unit. He took part in numerous campaigns and battles, including engagements at Piliavtsy, Zborov, Berestechko, and Batog. In 1650 he took part in a campaign to force Moldavia to sever its alliance with Poland. In 1652 and in the spring and summer of 1653 he led other campaigns against Moldavia. Having occupied Suceava, Khmel’nitskii was killed by the Walachian, Hungarian, and Polish troops besieging the city.