Khlopin, Grigorii Vitalevich

Khlopin, Grigorii Vital’evich


Born Jan. 16 (28), 1863, in the village of Dobrianka, in what is now Perm’ Oblast; died July 30, 1929, in Tsikhisdziri, Georgian SSR. Soviet hygienist. Honored Scientist of the RSFSR (1927).

Khlopin graduated from the division of natural sciences of the University of St. Petersburg in 1886 and from the faculty of medicine of Moscow University in 1893. He was imprisoned and exiled for his participation in the Social Democratic Blagoev Group. Khlopin served as a professor in the subdepartments of hygiene at the University of Iur’ev (from 1896), Novorossiia University in Odessa (from 1903), the St. Petersburg Women’s Medical Institute (now the First Leningrad Medical Institute; from 1904), the Clinical Institute in St. Petersburg (from 1906), and the Military Medical Academy (from 1918). In 1925 he organized the Z. P. Solov’ev Institute of Preventive Medicine in Leningrad; he was also the institute’s director.

Khlopin’s main works deal with problems of water supply and sewerage, sanitation in populated areas, housing construction, food services, school and occupational hygiene, military sanitation, and the hygiene of office work. He developed original methods of conducting research in hygiene based on the determination of the amount of ozone in the air and the amounts of oxygen in the air and water, as well as on the chemical analysis of food products.


Zagriaznenie protochnykh vod khoziaistvennymi i fabrichnymi otbrosami i mery k ego ustraneniiu, 2nd ed. Iur’ev, 1902.
Khimicheskie i mikrobiologicheskie melody sanitarnykh issledovanii pit’evykh istochnykh vod, 2nd ed. Petrograd, 1918.
Osnovy gigieny, vols. 1–2. Moscow, 1921–23.
Voenno-sanitarnye osnovy protivogazovogo dela. Leningrad, 1926.
Melody sanitarnykh issledovanii, 2nd ed., vols. 1–2. Leningrad, 1929–32.


Rachkov, A. A. G. V. Khlopin. Leningrad, 1965.