Khimiia Publishing House

Khimiia Publishing House


a central publishing house of the State Committee of the USSR for Publishing, Printing, and the Book Trade. The publishing house was founded in early 1918 under the Scientific and Technical Section of the Supreme Council on the National Economy as the Publishing House for Chemical and Technical Sciences. It was later part of the Association of Scientific and Technical Publishing Houses and the State Association of Scientific and Technical Publishing Houses. In 1939, it was reconstituted as the State Scientific and Technical Publishing House of the People’s Commissariat for the Chemical Industry (since 1946, the Ministry of the Chemical Industry of the USSR). It has been known as the Khimiia Publishing House since 1964.

The Khimiia Publishing House is located in Moscow and has a branch in Leningrad. It publishes textbooks (for higher and specialized secondary education), handbooks, engineering books, scientific books, and popular science books on general chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, the chemistry of macromolecular compounds, and chemical engineering, as well as on environmental protection, labor protection, accident prevention, and the economics and organization of the chemical, petrochemical, and petroleum-refining industries. It also publishes various scientific and technical journals, such as Khimicheskaia promyshlennost’ (Chemical Industry), Plasticheskie massy (Plastics), and Khimiia v sel’skom khoziaistve (Chemistry in Agriculture).

In 1978, the Khimiia Publishing House issued 148 titles in runs totaling 1.9 million copies.