Khimicheskaia Promyshlennost
Khimicheskaia Promyshlennost’
(Chemical Industry), a monthly scientific and technical journal published in Moscow by the Ministry of the Chemical Industry of the USSR. The journal was founded by the Council of Congresses of Representatives of the Primary Chemical Industry under the Presidium of the Supreme Council on the National Economy of the USSR. The first issue appeared in 1924; until the middle of 1941, the journal was called Zhurnal khimicheskoi promyshlennosti (Journal of the Chemical Industry). The present title was adopted in early 1944 (publication was suspended from 1941 to 1943).
Khimicheskaia promyshlennost covers the construction of new enterprises and the development of resources; problems of economics, the organization of labor, and wages; problems of improving efficiency and quality; and problems of the automation and mechanization of production. It reports on the latest advances in the chemical industry, both in the USSR and abroad, and prints reviews of the chemical literature.
Circulation, approximately 5,000 (1975). Since 1969, the journal has been reissued in English translation in the USA.